“Parking—an average sovereign”

The word “parking” doesn’t consist of a “par king,” but a joke was posted on the website Pun of the Day on December 25, 2014:
“Parking - an average sovereign.”
“What do you call the leader of the average golfers? The Par king! #rimshot” was posted on Twitter on June 21, 2012.
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
8/11 Puns
Par King Meter: Enumerates the best scorer in all the day’s matches.
Ben Shover (FedEx)‏
@HARRYMAYES975 @NickKayal975 What do you call the leader of the average golfers? The Par king! #rimshot
8:17 PM - 21 Jun 2012
Seems #RichardIII was a less than average monarch. Below par king.
4:11 PM - 4 Feb 2013
1077 The End‏
An exceptionally average golfer invented parking, The Par King, King of Par. HA! @zach1077 #2minutepromise #worstPuns
11:13 PM - 3 Oct 2014
Pun of the Day (December 25, 2014)
Parking - an average sovereign.
Category - Royalty
Submitted by - Joseph Leff - Queens
Terry Johnson‏
Parking - an average sovereign.[Click to Vote!]
  - lol
2:13 AM - 25 Dec 2014
Spencer Brooks‏
Pun from yesterday didn’t not get posted so here it is: Parking - an average sovereign. #4thepunofit #5daysleft
4:55 PM - 27 Dec 2014
davi ((( 🐧))) 德海‏
Replying to @aprilaser
am i a ticket for par king? hah no, more like token for average sovereign
8:54 PM - 23 Jan 2017