RAMBO (Right After Manhattan Bridge Overpass)
RAMBO (Right After the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is similar to DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass). In 2005, RAMBO (suggested by Heath Binder and Adam Wills) won a Curbed.com…
RAMBO (Right After the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is similar to DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass). In 2005, RAMBO (suggested by Heath Binder and Adam Wills) won a Curbed.com…
A "Ramen Burger" is a hamburger with a ramen noodle bun. The dish was created by Keizo Shimamoto and was served at Brooklyn's Smorgasburg in August 2013. The burger also contains…
Presstea (167 Seventh Avenue South in Manhattan) introduced the "ramenrrito" (ramen noodles + burrito) in 2013. The name "ramenrrito" was trademarked with a first use in…
To "ranchify" food is to add ranch dressing to it. The term "ranchify" was popularized during Hidden Valley Original Ranch's BzzAgent marketing campaign, September 6,…
A "ranchion" (ranch + mansion) is a ranch-style mansion. The ranch-style houses that were built post-World War II from the 1940s to the 1970s were usually one story buildings and…
To "ranchize" (or "ranchise") food is to add ranch dressing to it. "Ranchize" was the Word of the Day on the Food Republic blog on November 16, 2002: "To ranchize…
"Ranchocado (ranch dressing + avocado) is a portmanteau for "avocado-ranch dressing." "Avocado ranch dressing: has been cited in print since at least 1993. Vegan Sandwiches Save…
The term "random act of kindness" means to selflessly perform an act benefiting another person, without request and without expectation of a return of the kindness. "Random act of…
"Random acts of pizza" (random acts of kindness + pizza) gives free pizza to people. Figaro's Pizza had "Random Acts of Pizza" campaigns in 2004 and 2006, when it randomly…
The European migrant crisis of 2015 saw European countries admit many refugees. News of these refugees committing rapes resulted in the name "rapefugee" (rape + refugee).…
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh often refers to a media "Raspberry Effect." On February 1, 1993, Washington (DC) Post columnist William Raspberry (1935-2012) wrote a…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Rat PackThe Rat Pack was a group of actors originally centered on Humphrey Bogart. In the mid-1960s it was the name used by the press and the general public to…
Wikipedia: Rat Rock (Central Park)Rat Rock, also known as Umpire Rock, is an outcrop of Manhattan schist which protrudes from the bedrock in Central Park, Manhattan, New York City. It is named…
To throw or to pour something "down a/the rathole" means to put it in an endless space (where lots of rats enter and leave). "Money down a/the rathole" is money wasted, not to…
"Raw dog" usually means sexual intercourse without a condom. The 2020 COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in requirements to wear face masks, and "raw dog oxygen" (or…
"Razzleberry pie" was trademarked by Marie Callender's restaurants, with a "first use" date of 1998. Marie Callender's razzleberry pie is made with raspberries and…
A politician is sometimes "elected" to a first term in office, "re-elected" to a second term, and "re-re-elected" to a third time. New York City's two-term mayor…
A "read-in" (or "read in") protest takes its inspiration from the 1960s civil rights "sit-in" protests. "Read-ins" are usually held to protest cuts in a…
A "readathon" (reading + marathon) is when there is a long session of reading; there may be many readers and there may be just one book (such as the Bible, a novel, a dictionary or…
"Realize It Can Happen" is sometimes given as a backronym (back acronym) for the word "rich." "Keep driving toward your dreams and live that #RICH (Realize It Can Happen)…