Opiniotainment (opinion + entertainment)

“Opiniotainment” (opinion + edutainment) is sometimes used to describe a television show of news opinion on the Fox News Channel or on MSNBC. The term “opiniotainment” has been in use since at least 2006, when the word was used in the title of a paper read at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. The term appears to have been in use in the United States since 2009.
The similar term “opinutainment” (opinion + education + entertainment) has been in popular use since 2009
Research Online
Terrorism as Opiniotainment: Perceptions Warriors and the Public Battlefield

Luke Howie, Monash University
School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia
Originally published in the Proceedings of 7th Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth Western Australia, 4th - 5th December, 2006.
Political Forum
09-17-2009, 08:45 AM
Or, maybe ratings of TV “political opiniotainment” shows is due to the fact that quality always gets trumped by entertainment value, shock factor, and ability to be controversial. Nothing about quality, truth, or factual, historical importance has anything to do with the success of Faux News. Whoopie, Jerry Springer used to compete for ratings with Oprah, so I guess he’s as important a talk show figure as she it, right?
What They’re Feeding Me
The Echo Chamber Collapses
Written by Shawn Gray-Fleek
09/26/2009 at 7:31 pm
When the sources, tactics and platform of the GOP are nationally discredited and FOX news is collectively acknowledged to be entertainment, or infotainment, or opiniotainment, not news, we will only be a little better off.
Google Books
Terrorism, the Worker and the City:
Simulations and Security in a Time of Terror

By Luke Howie
Burlington, VT: Gower
Pg. 77:
Following even a casual examination of the Australian media, it is not difficult to see why. In particular, the Melbourne media during times of terror accentuated the threat of terrorism by delivering a heady blend of ‘opiniotainment’ and exaggerated danger.
U.S. Politics Online
Jon Stewart explains Fox News vs Opiniotainment
Rachel Maddow Gets In Epic Battle With GOP Congressional Candidate Art Robinson
by Colby Hall | 7:51 am, October 8th, 2010
Art Robinson is the GOP candidate for Oregon’s Fourth Congressional District. Last night he bravely went on to The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss his background and some specifics of his campaign. Host Rachel Maddow calmly tried to get to know Robinson by asking specific questions about his previous writings, but was not very successful in getting past Robinson’s claims that the host was “smearing his reputation,” “throwing mud” and “sarcasm.” Oddly, this style of”opiniotainment” was really fun to watch.