Operation American Spring (#AmericanSpring)

“American Spring” has been mentioned infrequently since at least early 2011, after the Arab Spring revolutions that began in December 2010. The Twitter term #AmericanSpring became popular in April 2014, after Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy fought with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and retained the right to his cattle.
Patriots for America began organizing since December 2013 for an event called “Operation American Spring” to take place in Washington, D.C., on May 16, 2014.
Wikipedia: Bundy standoff
A 20-year legal dispute between the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and cattle rancher Cliven Bundy in southeastern Nevada over unpaid grazing fees eventually developed into an armed confrontation between protesters and law enforcement. The dispute began in 1993 when Bundy refused to pay bills to the US government for his cattle grazing on federal lands near Bunkerville, Nevada. Bundy was eventually prohibited from grazing his cattle on the land by an order issued in 1998 by the United States District Court for the District of Nevada in United States v. Bundy. After years of repeated violations of multiple court orders, the BLM rounded up Bundy’s cattle that were trespassing on the land. A growing incident ensued in early April, 2014 involving sign-carrying protesters and armed supporters of Bundy confronting law enforcement who were protecting the ongoing cattle roundup in the area. The BLM suspended its roundup of the cattle, and the protesters eventually dispersed.
Patriots for America
OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING - Washington, D.C. in the cross-hairs - The Out-of-Control Government Leadership Must Be Stopped
Posted by Harry Riley on December 20, 2013 at 9:19pm in American Spring
Liberty News Online
03-23-2014 12:15 am - Kathy Shaidle - World Net Daily
“When is the American Spring going to happen?” Dr. Savage asked his audience this week.
Pointing out that half of Ukraine’s population hated their ousted leader, he notes that America “is also divided right down the middle,” and wonders what it would take to spark a similar uprising. - See more at: http://www.libertynewsonline.com/article_301_35106.php#sthash.EyrE0hzO.dpuf
Operation American Spring delivering docs calling for impeachment, resignations
BY Joe Newby
April 9, 2014
Starting Tuesday morning, members of both houses of Congress began receiving copies of documents demanding the resignations of six top government officials for violating their oath of office from members of Operation American Spring, the group said in a press release emailed to Examiner.com Wednesday.
Operation American Spring said that it envisions 10 to 20 million Americans committed to reforming the government, and, according to a group spokesperson, may meet or exceed that goal.
OAS says it is modeled after the Arab Spring that saw regime change in Egypt, along with other successful, popular, and massive demonstrations against oppressive bureaucracies.
#AmericanSpring: Commemorate the Ranch Rebellion
Seminal moment in modern liberty movement

Paul Joseph Watson
April 14, 2014
To commemorate the Ranch Rebellion, during which brave patriots stood their ground against armed feds and law enforcement during Saturday’s standoff in Nevada, eventually forcing Bureau of Land Management agents to back off and release Cliven Bundy’s stolen cattle, we are launching the #AmericanSpring hashtag on Twitter today.
The design is simple – take an image from Saturday’s standoff or from any Ranch Rebellion protest and add a freedom-oriented quote of your choice. Also include the hashtag #BundyRanch.
Let’s get #AmericanSpring trending on Twitter and let more people know about the Ranch Rebellion – a seminal moment in the modern liberty movement!
April 14, 2014
Operation American Spring
If watching what is happening to our country fills you with an explosive need to do something about it, make your plans to invade the District of Criminals on May 16th for Operation American Spring: ...