“Pornhub now has a category for Coronavirus videos. It’s for sick fucks”
Pornhub is a Canadian-owned internet pornography website. A joke is that the website is for "sick fucks" -- the word "sick" meaning "twisted" or…
Pornhub is a Canadian-owned internet pornography website. A joke is that the website is for "sick fucks" -- the word "sick" meaning "twisted" or…
"Post/Tweet what you want. We can delete it in the morning. -- Alcohol" is a jocular social media saying that has been printed on many images. By the morning, the damage has been already…
"Posted a photo of my clean house and it was flagged and removed as 'fake news'" is a jocular line that has been printed on many images. That is, it's fake that the house…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic required many people to use "social distancing" (standing six feet away). Many people also practiced "media distancing," especially those who…
"Practice safe text -- -- use commas and never miss a period" is a jocular line that has been printed on GIFs. "Practice safe text" was used in a 2009 program to caution drivers…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic required many people to use "social distancing" (standing six feet away). Many people also practiced "social media distancing" -- staying away…
"Prayer is the world's greatest wireless connection" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Just saw a church sign that said 'prayer is the greatest wireless…
"Predictive text really gets my toga" was posted on Facebook by Neil Davis on April 6, 2012. "I feckin hate predictive text it really gets my toga up!! ;@)" was posted on…
Hungarian mathematician Alfréd Rényi (1921-1970) is credited for saying, "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." "Programmer -- an organism that turns…
"Programming is like sex: One mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life" is a jocular programming saying that has been printed on many images. Michael Sinz (Amiga…
"Proofread carefully to see if you any words out" (minus the word "left") is a jocular editing one-liner that has been printed in many newspapers and books. "Check to see…
Proofreading is important. However, "important" is sometimes spelled "impotant" or "impotent" for jocular reasons. "Proofreading is very impotent" was posted…
Proofreading is important. However, "important" is sometimes spelled "impotant" or "impotent" for jocular reasons. "Proofreading is very impotent" was posted…
"Propaganda isn’t just about creating fake news. It’s also about hiding real news" was posted on Twitter by 💥NYETENGALE💥 on July 29, 2022. The saying was also printed on an…
"Protect your tweets from being stolen by writing really bad ones like this" is a joke that was posted on Twitter by niteynite on March 7, 2023. Twitterniteynite@hoedeehoeprotect your…
A popular journalism joke is, "Q: How do journalists count? A: One, two, trend." The joke implies that all it takes is three examples for a journalist to declare a "trend" and…
"Raise your hand if you’re tired of being asked to raise your hand in tweets" was posted on Twitter by Matt Couch on December 20, 2018. "Raise your hand if you’re tired of being…
"Raise your hand if you’re tired of being asked to raise your hand in tweets" was posted on Twitter by Matt Couch on December 20, 2018. "Raise your hand if you’re tired of being…
"Remember before OnlyFans when your mom just sold Avon?" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, moms who used to sell cosmetics(Avon) are now selling their bodies for…
"Remember before OnlyFans when your mom just sold Avon?" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, moms who used to sell cosmetics(Avon) are now selling their bodies for…