The International Magazine of Events (TIME backronym)
Time magazine was founded in 1923 in New York City. It has sometimes been claimed (since at least 2007) that the name Time stands for "The International Magazine of Events." A search of…
Time magazine was founded in 1923 in New York City. It has sometimes been claimed (since at least 2007) that the name Time stands for "The International Magazine of Events." A search of…
Frank Wisner (1909-1965) the Central Intelligence Agency's deputy director, was responsible for Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s to spread propaganda through the media. He boasted that the…
USA Today is a national newspaper that was founded by Al Neuharth (1924-2013) of the Gannett Company on September 15, 1982. "USA Today will reach out to become the nation's…
YouTube is an American video-sharing website that began in February 2005. In November 2006, Google purchased YouTube. Those who have criticized Google's operation of YouTube (such as issues of…
YouTube is an American video-sharing website that began in February 2005. In November 2006, Google purchased YouTube. Those who have criticized Google's operation of YouTube (such as issues of…
Twitter, an online social networking service, is not an acronym, although many backronyms (back acronyms) have been made ending in "that everyone reads." "TWITTER = Texting What I…
"Thirst trap" is a social media term for when someone posts a statement or a photograph (usually a sexually suggestive selfie) on Twitter or Instagram or elsewhere, creating sexual thirst…
"Thirst trap" is a social media term for when someone posts a statement or a photograph (usually a sexually suggestive selfie) on Twitter or Instagram or elsewhere, creating sexual thirst…
Twitter, an online social networking service, is not an acronym, although many backronyms (back acronyms) have been made ending in "they enjoy reading." "TWITTER = Thoughts Which I…
A "thumbsucker" is not a reported news story, but rather is a "news analysis" or a "think piece." According to the 1980 citation (below): "When a reporter…
Politico is a website that specializes in American politics. Charles P. Pierce of Esquire magazine has dubbed it "Tiger Beat on the Potomac" since 2912. Tiger Beat is a teen fan magazine…
Times New Roman is a popular serif typeface that was originally used on The Times newspaper in London in 1931. Times New Ramen is a joke font of ramen noodles. The font was illustrated on flickr in…
The New York (NY) Times has been called the "(news)paper of record" since 1924. Some critics claim that the Times distorts facts and should not be relied upon as the true, accurate…
nin progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: The Daily TelegraphThe Daily Telegraph is a broadsheet newspaper published in London by Telegraph Media Group and distributed across the United Kingdom and…
A "truth bomb" is an attack of the truth (or what one believes to be the ruth) upon an enemy. "Truth bomb" and "T-bomb" were cited in print in 1950, in the hydrogen…
WordPress (WP) is a free and open-source content management system. People who dislike WP have called it "TurdPress" or "Turd Press." "Turdpress" was posted on the…
WordPress (WP) is a free and open-source content management system. People who dislike WP have called it "TurdPress" or "Turd Press." "Turdpress" was posted on the…
Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service. Many people have used the nickname "Twatter" (twat + Twitter) for both Twitter and its users. "Is wondering if he…
"Twatzi" (Twitter + twat + Nazi) is used to describe an oppressive Twitter (a social networking service), or an oppressive person using Twitter. "Twitter Nazi=twatzi" was posted…
"Twidiocracy" (Twitter + idiocracy) was coined by Matt Labash in The Weekly Standard on May 6, 2013, "The Twidiocracy: The decline of Western civilization, 140 characters at a…