Truth Bomb (Truth Bomber; Truth Bombing)

A “truth bomb” is an attack of the truth (or what one believes to be the ruth) upon an enemy. “Truth bomb” and “T-bomb” were cited in print in 1950, in the hydrogen bomb era.
The term “truth bomb” became popular on the Internet in the 1990s and 2000s. In September 2015, the YouTuber “Truth Virus” (who would lose that channel, but also operated the channel “Truth Virus 2”) suggested viral “truth bomb” campaigns against the mainstream media, such as CNN. These “truth bombs” would include thumbing down the videos and writing comments against the videos. Several YouTube channels began their own “truth bomb” campaigns in September 2015.
“Truth bomber” has been cited in print since at least 1998 and “truth bombing” since at least 1999.
12 April 1950, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Letters from Readers,” pt. 3, pg. 2, col. 3:
Truth Bomb
To THe News:
Truth is an explosive and, for that reason, it si feared by everybody. If it is announced that somebody will tell the truth, the announcement arouses apprehension as if a missile were to be dropped. No one wants to be near when a truth bomb explodes. It is more powerful than the A-type and usually demolishes everything, including the truth-teller himself. That tragedy is being enacted now in Washington.
Sherman, Texas.
5 July 1950, Sacramento (CA) Bee, “US Drafts Big Truth Campaign In Bid For Peace” (AP), pg. 32, col. 1:
Along this line, Eisenhower told the senators that “truth could almost be classified as our T Bomb (truth bomb) in this warfare.”
Google Groups: alt.polyamory
fashionable polyamory and broken monogamy
Elise Matthesen
Has anyone else had to pick up the pieces left by men (or women) who swore they had “settled things at home” before engaging with their new love…..and then dropped the truth bomb after getting laid?
Google Groups:
Government Corruption Out Of Control!
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
My new book, “Government Corruption is Epidemic - And You’re Exposed!” is making families, especially those with children in school, stop and think about this for the first time.It’s a documented expose of how Government Corruption has trickled down to contaminate society, erode personal freedom and family values, encourage crime and violence, crush hope for the future - and what can be done about it. For a FREE PREVIEW of this can’t-put-down TRUTH BOMB, please contact me at Thank you.
Google Groups: ns.general
Politics Nova Scotia Style
comrade che
the sound of a thousand kiloton truth bomb exploding
Google Groups: can.general
An Open Letter FROM the Thought Police to Nova Scotians
Winston Smith
Glooscap Squadron of the cfm in a cowardly action have “liberated ” the Ministry’s largest truth bombers. so this simple announcement in ns.general must suffice.
Google Groups: talk.politics.mideast
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
by Jerre Skog
Bombs have again fallen over Baghdad killing innocent people. The sanctions enforced by the world community may, since the conflict started, have cost up to a million lives and is steadily ruining the country and killing its children. And none of this affects the dictator and his criminal friends
Google Groups: sci.skeptic
UFO Debunkers Blamed for Terrorists Attacks//Top Cop Agrees!
Sir Arthur C. B. Wholeflaffer A.S.A.
Our numbers are become larger by the second. We will win the War against the Debunkers and other pseudo-scientists.  It would be much easier if all the debunkers would just surrender and give up. But I do not think they will do that.  So we will have to hit them with the Truth Bomb, and then the Magnesium/Bizmuth Anti-Matter Ultra-Bomb,  that’ll brighten their day.  Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Google Groups: alt.paranet.ufo
Pentagon threatens to kill independent reporters in Iraq//Amalgamated Press Will be THERE!!!
Sir Arthur C. B. E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
Cadwell, in case you woke up from your 20-year slumber recently, there is a WAR going on, and it’s a WAR “we” plan to win.
The WAR is against Truth Terrorists and the battlefield is this very newsgroup!!  I am about to drop the T-Bomb, that is the Truth bomb, and usually the debunkers high-tail it fast out of these alien groups when the bomb is dropped.
Michael Parenti, JFK and 9/11 Truth
submitted by Dem Bruce Lee Styles on fri, 08/10/2007 - 5:56pm
By hypothetically switching JFK for 9/11, this already beautifully delivered speech gets banged right up to date and is made even more cutting edge. This is one of those things that needs to be spread far and wide, whilst making the clear relation that it has to current issues like 9/11 Truth. It’s another highly potent “Truth Bomb” for the infowar that absolutely needs to be utilized!
Time magazine
Tracy Morgan Drops Truth Bomb, B-Bomb
By James Poniewozik @poniewozikMarch 17, 2008
OK, I was a little hesitant to post video from SNL yet again this week, because I and the rest of the media have probably been throwing too much free publicity behind a TV show that is no longer even one of the top five funniest political commentainment programs today. (For starters, there’s The Daily Show / Colbert, South Park, Bill Maher’s Real Time, and, of course, The O’Reilly Factor.) But I have to note Tracy Morgan’s special commentary since (1) it may be the last time SNL ever does a pro-Obama, anti-Clinton sketch and (2) the table read at 30 Rock may be a touch edgy this week: ...
Urban Dictionary
truth bomb
(noun) A fact or piece of knowledge that, when told to a listener, is devastating to the listener’s argument or world view.
“Dude, I dropped a truth bomb on my priest at confession yesterday. I slipped him The DaVinci Code, which disproves his whole religion!”
Tupac dropped truth bombs on the American people, letting them know what it’s like to live in the ‘hood.
by Lefkofunk April 24, 2008
truth bombing
7:08 AM - 27 Sep 2008
Isn’t “truth bomb” a brilliant phrase?
12:31 PM - 17 Dec 2009
@Sh8dyTel i prefer the term “professional truth bomber”
10:15 PM - 17 Jun 2010
Urban Dictionary
truth bomb
A fact spoken in clear, easy to understand terms and without bias.
Made famous by, but not necessarily coined by, Tracy Morgan’s character Tracy Jordan from the tv series “30 Rock”
Tracy: If you can’t handle Tracy Jordan, don’t invite Tracy Jordan. This is what I do, I drop truth bombs, I don’t care about Don Geiss, I’m a movie star!
by rjorekit1 August 09, 2010
Americans Against The Tea Party
Elizabeth Warren Truth Bomb: ‘The Game Is Rigged, And Republicans Rigged It!’
Posted by: Richard Rowe in Election 2014, TEApublican Smack Downs October 19, 2014
I liked a @YouTube video from @the_truth_virus  Truth Bomb Hit CNN - THUMBS DOWN and Comment Please
12:25 AM - 19 Sep 2015
Published on Sep 30, 2015
There are some pervasive 9/11 wannabe debunkers on Youtube that need a lot of thumbs down and a lot of 9/11 Truth. Thanks for your awesome support!
Truth Bomb - The Song
Published on Sep 30, 2015
Credit to Robert McKenna & Band
Attention Truth Bombers: Bombs of Truth
MattyD 4Truth
Published on Oct 3, 2015
Truth Bombing of Amazon/Sandy Hoaxer…Did It Have An Effect?
Published on Nov 1, 2015
There has been criticism from Truthers that the Truth Bombing has been a negative for the truth movement. That it’s a waste of time. That all it does is suppress free speech on youtube as it has channels “Disabling Comments”.
Well for all these people, watch this video and SUCK EGG.
9/11 TRUTH BOMB On Jon Stewart Daily Show “First Responders”
Published on Dec 11, 2015
(TRUTH BOMB) CNN Vaccine Propaganda
Truth Virus 2
Published on Dec 30, 2015 (TRUTH BOMB) CNN Vaccine Propaganda (Operation Truth) Channel Truth Virus, DJ TruthVirus, Lead with CroWn @THE_TRUTH_VIRUS
Truth Bomb Hits CNN and the Deadly Flu
Published on Dec 31, 2015
The deadly flu doesn’t just affect older people…it now can kill young kids. So what is the message?
Truth Bomb; Dear Mr President
Operation Truth  
Published on Jan 1, 2016
Tell Barry and his beloved husband Mikey how you feel.
(This video includes the “Truth Bomb” song.—ed.)