Scroogle or Screwgle (screw/Scrooge + Google)
Google is a technology company noted for its Internet search engine. People who don't like Google have nicknamed the company "Scroogle" or "Screwgle" (screw/Scrooge +…
Google is a technology company noted for its Internet search engine. People who don't like Google have nicknamed the company "Scroogle" or "Screwgle" (screw/Scrooge +…
BitChute is a video hosting service, similar to YouTube. Some critics of BitChute's content have called it "ShitChute." (The Urban Dictionary defines "shit chute" as the…
Breitbart News Network is an American conservative syndicated news, opinion and commentary website. Some people who don't like Breitbart have nicknamed it "Shitebart" (shite +…
Breitbart News Network is an American conservative syndicated news, opinion and commentary website. Some people who don't like Breitbart have nicknamed it "Shitebart" (shite +…
Breitbart News Network is an American conservative syndicated news, opinion and commentary website. Some people who don't like Breitbart have nicknamed it "Shitebart" (shite +…
Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service. Some people who don't like Twitter have nicknamed it "Shitter" (shit + Twitter). "Possible tagline:…
The Drudge Report is a news aggregation website that was founded in 1995 by Matt Drudge. Some critics have called it the "Sludge Report." "There's also 'The Drudge…
"Smoasting" (social media boasting) was coined by T-Mobile in June 2012. People travel, then take photos and boast about it. "Smoaster" was cited in a Daily Mail (UK) article on… is a fact-checking website that was founded by Barbara and David Mikkelson in 1995. A "Snopester" (or "snopester") is a fan of and/or a contributor to…
Conservatives have long claimed a liberal media bias in the United States. President Richard Nixon often complained about the liberal media, and he made enemies in the press from 1972 until his…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic led to "social distancing." "Social disdancing" (social distancing + dancing) -- also spelled "disDancing" -- became popular. This…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic required many people to use "social distancing" (standing six feet away). Many people also practiced "social media distancing" -- staying away…
Many people share memes on social media -- or is it stealing? "Don't think of yourself as a meme thief. The official title is Social Media Redistribution agent" (shown on an image)…
"State run media" or "state-run media" (SRM) is an unflattering nickname that some have applied to the "mainstream media" (MSM). Totalitarian states (such as the…
The book The Stepford Wives (1972) by Ira Levin was made into films in 1975 and 2004. The housewives in the novel's idyllic Connecticut neighborhood of Stepford were replaced by…
YouTube (a video-sharing website owned by Google) started a "super flagger" program in 2014 that allowed special individuals to "flag" certain videos that are found…
The New York Post, the Daily News and New York Newsday are tabloid newspapers that have had memorable headlines. On many days, the headlines are the same for the same story. NEW YORK POST HEADLINE:…
Media Matters for America is a progressive media organization that monitors the conservative media, such as Fox News and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Some critics of Media Matters have called it…
"Big Apple" became popular in the 1970s, and there were several bands with the name "Big Apple Band." "The Big Apple Band" (1972-1977) was formed by New York City-born…
The New York Times newspaper is frequently nicknamed The Failing New York Times in the tweets of Donald Trump (who was elected U.S. president in 2016). There are a few earlier, non-Trump tweets.…