Mediacrat (media + -crat)
A "mediacrat" is a member of the media who decides the information that the public will consume. "Mediacrat" has been cited in print since at least 1974. The term…
A "mediacrat" is a member of the media who decides the information that the public will consume. "Mediacrat" has been cited in print since at least 1974. The term…
"Mediot" (media + idiot) is a term used by those who don't like the media. The term dates to at least 1988, when Toronto Blue Jays outfielder George Bell refused to talk to the media…
Parler is an American social networking service. Some critics of Parler have called it "MeinSpace" (a pun on the American social networking service "MySpace," with…
"MFM" (Motherfucking Media) is a derogatory nickname for MSM (Mainstream Media). "MFM" was first used on the conservative blog Ace of Spades HQ on April 26-27, 2010. Ace of…
Operation Mockingbird began in the 1950s as a secret Central Intelligence Agency effort to propagandize both foreign and domestic media. A 1970s Congressional investigation revealed that Operation…
The New York (NY) Morning Telegraph was a leading entertainment and horse racing daily newspaper in the United States, and it published from 1897 to 1972. It was called the 'Morntelly" by…
"Most Effective Devil In America" is a backronym (back acronym) of the word "media" that has been printed on many images. "M.E.D.I.A- Most Effective Devil In America"…
The Huffington Post was started on May 9, 2005, by Arianna Huffington and others. The website features liberal/progressive news and opinion. The nickname Muffington Post (possibly from…
"Naptop" is a portmanteau of the words "nap" and "laptop" that has been printed on many images. It has meant when a cat or a person goes to sleep on a laptop computer.…
The New York Times newspaper has many critics who give it many nicknames. Since 2005, Robert Spencer's blogs Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch have called the newspaper "The New Duranty…
The New York (NY) Post daily newspaper has leaned conservative under owner Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. A common unflattering nickname of the newspaper (cited in print since at least…
New York Crimes is a nickname for the New York (NY) Times used by people who believe that the Times is so bad that it's criminal. In 1989, a four-page New York Crimes was made to protest New…
New York Daily Ooze is an obvious -- but seldom-used -- nickname for the New York (NY) Daily News newspaper. The derogatory nickname Daily Ooze has been cited in print since at least 2002, when it…
New York Daily Snooze is an unflattering nickname of the New York (NY) Daily News newspaper. The nickname Daily Snooze has been cited in print since 1938, but has become popular since about 1995 --…
New York Pest is an unflattering nickname of the New York (NY) Post newspaper. In 1962, a strike edition parody of the Post was called the Pest, but the Pest nickname has become popular since 1999…
New York Slimes is a nickname that some people who do not like the New York Times sometimes use. The Times is perceived as liberal, and some conservatives have called it The Slimes since at least…
The New York (NY) Times is a daily newspaper that has been published in New York City since 1851. Although the newspaper's motto is "All the news that's fit to print,"…
For those who think that the New York (NY) Times newspaper is a joke (or is otherwise yucky), it's called the "New Yuck Times." The "New Yuck Times" nickname has been cited…
"News Klux Klan" (news + Ku Klux Klan) is a term used for a news media that is intolerant (like the KKK). "FOX News Klux Klan" was posted on Twitter on February 22, 2011. The…
Newsmax is a conservative American news and opinion website, and it operates Newsmax TV. Some critics have nicknamed it "Newshacks" or "Newshax." Newsmax was previously spelled…