Atlantic Antic

"Atlantic Antic" is one of the city's longest-running street fairs. It takes place on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. Anniversary…

Auto Show

The New York Auto Show (now the New York International Auto Show) began in Madison Square Garden in the 19th century as "The Bicycle and Automobile Show." It remains one of New…

Boat Show

The Boat Show (now called the New York National Boat Show) is one of New York's longest traditions. It's slight younger than the "Auto Show," but both are over 100 years old.…

Brazilian Day

Brazilian Day celebrates Brazil's independence and is held the first week in September. Sunday, September 4, 2005Open 11 a.m.…

Broadway on Broadway

"Broadway on Broadway" is a free concert where Broadway displays its best. The annual event began in 1992. ON BROADWAY® 2005It's the…

Bus Festival

The New York Transit Museum hosts an annual "Bus Festival." It's very moving. York Transit Museum12th Annual Bus FestivalCelebrating a Century…

Carnaval Del Boulevard

The Carnaval Del Boulevard is a Dominican festival that takes place on St. Nicholas Avenue (Juan Pablo Duarte Boulevard). Mayoral candidates attended the sixth annual Carnaval in 2005, showing the…


NYC & Company (formerly the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau) has hosted a "CultureFest" since 2001. Many organizations have participated.…

Dominican Day Parade

The Dominican Day Parade began as a small celebration in Washington Heights in 1982. Now, it's held each August on Fifth Avenue and is one of New York's largest ethnic parades.…