“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year”
A "Thanksgiving Sermon" has been cited since the 1860s, and begins: "My Friends: Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the…
A "Thanksgiving Sermon" has been cited since the 1860s, and begins: "My Friends: Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the…
A thanksgiving saying credited to "anonymous" has been printed on many images: "Thanksgiving is possible only for those who take time to remember; no one can give thanks who has a…
"Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness" is a popular Thanksgiving saying that has been cited in print since…
Three jocular "Christmas Rules" (sometimes titled "Thanksgiving Rules" or "Holiday Rules") have been printed on many images. These "Holiday Rules" were…
"Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day" is a popular Thanksgiving saying that has been cited in print since at least 1961. It is usually credited to Robert Casper…
"First Thanks, Then Giving" sermons were made at several churches during Thanksgiving in November 1957. A full Thanksgiving expression was published in the book Speaker's Desk Book…
"Just so we're clear, The Grinch never really hated Christmas. He hated people, which is fair" is a jocular saying that has been printed on several images. How the Grinch Stole…
"The magic of Christmas never ends, and its greatest of gifts are family and friends" is a Christmas saying that has been printed on many images. "The Magic of Christmas never ends…
"The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live" is a Christmas joke that has been printed on many images. Authorship is uncertain. "The main…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute has held an annual fundraiser since 1948, called the Costume Institute Gala, but usually known as the “Met Gala” or “Met Ball.” Some…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute has held an annual fundraiser since 1948, called the Costume Institute Gala, but usually known as the “Met Gala” or “Met Ball.” Many…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute has held an annual fundraiser since 1948, called the Costume Institute Gala, but usually known as the “Met Gala” or “Met Ball.” Many…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute has held an annual fundraiser since 1948, called the Costume Institute Gala, but usually known as the “Met Gala” or “Met Ball.” Many…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute has held an annual fundraiser since 1948, called the Costume Institute Gala, but usually known as the “Met Gala” or “Met Ball.” Many…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute has held an annual fundraiser since 1948, called the Costume Institute Gala, but usually known as the “Met Gala” or “Met Ball.” Many…
Halloween is October 31st, and the next day is November 1st. Bills are often due on the first of a month. This was posted on X/Twitter by 🦋@simplylay on October 30, 2022, and this received over…
Halloween is October 31st, and the next day is November 1st. Bills are often due on the first of a month. This was posted on X/Twitter by 🦋@simplylay on October 30, 2022, and this received over…
Many people put up Christmas decorations early, such as in November. "There are twelve days of Christmas. None of which are in fucking November" is a saying that has been printed on many…
Many people put up Christmas decorations early, such as in November. "There are twelve days of Christmas. None of which are in fucking November" is a saying that has been printed on many…
"There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American" is a paraphrase of O. Henry (the pen name of William Sydney Porter, 1862-1910). The words come…