“My favorite color is Christmas lights”
"My favorite color is Christmas lights" is a Christmas saying that has been printed on many images. "My favorite color is Christmas lights" was posted on Twitter by…
"My favorite color is Christmas lights" is a Christmas saying that has been printed on many images. "My favorite color is Christmas lights" was posted on Twitter by…
"My mom used to say that Greek Easter was later because then you get stuff cheaper" is a quote by American actress and comedian Amy Sedaris that has been printed on many images. Sedaris…
"Need to get rid of unwanted junk during the holidays? Put it in Amazon boxes and leave it on your front porch" is a jocular saying that has been printed on may images. That is, people…
Nothing shows a mother her Mother's Day love like...something bought at the last minute at a gas station? Many gas stations now sell flowers, Mother's Day cards, and gift cards, so…
Many people complain that they don't have a valentine on Valentine's Day. This is often countered by a person not having a groundhog for Groundhog Day. "And some miserables…
"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" (1949) is a song that was popularized by Gene Autry. "All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names" is a line in the song. A joke…
"July 4th PSA: On one hand fireworks are a lot of fun. On the other hand I only have 2 fingers" was posted on Reddit -- Jokes on July 4, 2016. "On the one hand, homemade fireworks…
"Black Friday: Because only in America, people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have" is a jocular saying that has been printed on…
The theme of the 1964-64 New York World's Fair was "Peace Through Understanding." The fair attempted to display the culture of each nation. The term "peace through…
Peeps have been called "the candy corn of Easter." That is to say, like candy corn, it's a food mainly eaten on the holiday (as with candy corn and Halloween) and at no other time,…
Various foods have been called "the candy corn of Christmas." That is to say, like candy corn, it's a food mainly eaten on the holiday (as with candy corn and Halloween) and at no…
"premature treejaculation trejahk-yal•ay:shun the act of erecting one's festive decor in any month prior to December" is a jocular definition that has been printed on many images.…
Various foods have been called "the candy corn of Thanksgiving." That is to say, like candy corn, it's a food mainly eaten on the holiday (as with candy corn and Halloween) and at no…
Various foods have been called “the fruitcake of Thanksgiving.” That is to say, like fruitcake, it’s a food mainly eaten on the holiday (as with fruitcake and Christmas) and at no other time,…
Various foods have been called "the candy corn of Christmas." That is to say, like candy corn, it's a food mainly eaten on the holiday (as with candy corn and Halloween) and at no…
"Remember last year on St. Patrick's Day? Yeah, me neither" -- that is, people get too drunk on St. Patrick's Day to remember it -- is a jocular drinking saying that has been…
"Remember, (Irish) puns on St. Patrick's Day don't just shame you. They Seamus all" (also "Bad puns on St. Patrick’s Day don't just shame you. They Seamus all"…
Many people believe that Mother's Day is for biological women/mothers, and not for trans women. "Remember, Mother's Day is for moms, not men in dresses -- Your day is April 1st"…
Many people serve turkey on Thanksgiving, and they take a photo of it. "Happy Thanksgiving and remember, unless your turkey is applying for a passport, you don’t need to take a photo of…
Various foods have been called "the candy corn of Christmas." That is to say, like candy corn, it's a food mainly eaten on the holiday (as with candy corn and Halloween) and at no…