“Celery is just glorified grass”

Celery has often been described as a combination of grass and water. "Celery is just crunchy water” is a celery saying. "'See, the thing with celery is...it's grass-flavored,…

“Cereal is breakfast soup”

Cereal in milk (often made for breakfast) has been compared to soup (often made for dinner). "'I love cereal. It's like breakfast soup.' -Eric Schumann" was posted on…

“Cereal is just milk soup”

"Is Breakfast Cereal a Soup?" is a question on Debate.org (58% say "yes.") "Soup spoons make great cereal spoons. Then again, cereal is really milk soup" was posted on…

“Cereal tastes better at night”

Many people believe that cereal tastes better at night than it does at breakfast.Perhaps that is because at night, cereal becomes a snack (a guilty pleasure) and a much-needed sugar boost.…