“Seeds are the ultimate zip files”

A seed has the building code for a plant, and it has been compared to a ZIP file of data compression. "seeds are natures zip files" was posted on Twitter by thomtrance ⇙⇙⇙ on…

“Seis de Mayo sucks ass”

"Seis de Mayo sucks ass"" (or simply "Happy Seis de Mayo") is a jocular saying about the day after Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) that has been printed on many images.…

“Seltzer is just angry water”

"Seltzer is just angry water" is a saying for those who think that carbonation makes water angry. "In my opinion seltzer is just angry water" was posted on Twitter by K8 on June…

“Share sarcasm, not pizza”

Some people believe that you can share things, but not pizza. Pizza must be all yours. "I share, pics that is, not pizza!" was cited on Twitter on Noember 30, 2009. "Share Love Not…