“I got arrested for studying abroad. Stalking is what the judge prefers to call it”
"Studying abroad" shouldn't be confused with "studying a broad," but there are jokes. "I got arrested for studying abroad. The police called it stalking" was…
"Studying abroad" shouldn't be confused with "studying a broad," but there are jokes. "I got arrested for studying abroad. The police called it stalking" was…
"Studying abroad" shouldn't be confused with "studying a broad," but there are jokes. "I got arrested for studying abroad. The police called it stalking" was…
"Taking notes" usually means "making notes," not "taking" or "stealing" them. Several jokes involve music school and music "notes." "I once…
"I got expelled from school on pajama day. Not my fault I sleep naked" is a jocular line that has been printed on many ecards. Many elementary schools hold a "pajama day," where…
Should one always give 100% (or 110%) at work? "I always give 110%. That's why I lost my job In the examination bored" is a joke that was posted on Twitter by Lewis Gardiner on…
Should one always give 100% (or 110%) at work? "I always give 110%. That's why I lost my job In the examination bored" is a joke that was posted on Twitter by Lewis Gardiner on…
A teacher joke was posted by Jamie Tighe on Twitter on January 21, 2014: "I got voted 'Least Likely To Succeed' by my high school class. Christ I hate being a teacher." The joke…
“I used to walk five miles to and from school, uphill both ways” is a joke on what some parents tell children. However, sometimes the speaker is stated to be Dutch graphic artist M. C. Escher…
Many people put gum underneath school tables -- to the disgust of others who find it. A joke was posted on Reddit -- Jokes on August 25, 2017: "I hate chewing gum underneath school tables. I…
"Draw the line" is an expression to describe the limit of what a person will tolerate. It usually doesn't involve actually drawing a line, but there are jokes. "Show your kid…
"I hate when I lose stuff at school like my pens, worksheets, & life ambitions" is a jocular anti-school saying that was posted on Twitter by Kendra allison on November 16, 2012.…
Americans are bad at math, but good at jokes. "60% of Americans are bad at math, but I'm in the other 90%" was posted on Twitter by Megan Amram on September 14, 2010. "I heard…
"It takes a village to raise a child" is an African proverb. "I homeschool because I have seen the village and I don't want it raising my children" (or "We homeschool…
Failing a test is bad. Failing an open book test very bad. Cheating and still failing a test is also very bad. "#worstfeeling cheating on a test and still failing smh" was posted on…
Failing a test is bad. Failing an open book test very bad. Cheating and still failing a test is also very bad. "#worstfeeling cheating on a test and still failing smh" was posted on…
The number π ("pi") is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The first digits are 3.14159. "I know every digit of pi in base 10!…
Sign language is not a spoken language. A joke was posted on AskReddit on July 9, 2020: "I know several jokes in sign language. I guarantee nobody has ever heard them." Reddit --…
"I leave homework to the last day because I'll be older and therefore wiser" is a jocular saying that has been printed on posters and ecards. The joke was first cited on Twitter on…
"Some times" is expressed in math puns as "sum times." "math final. 'hey do you know your multiplication?....sum times!!' yayyyy" was posted on Twitter by…
Many people like school for socializing, but not for the schoolwork. "I like school, I just don't enjoy the learning part" was posted on Twitter by FUNNY TWEETS on January 9, 2017.…