“Just seen a burglar kicking his own door in. He was working from home”
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic caused many people to work from home. What did burglars do? "I'm working from home,as a burglar I've robbed my own house 150 times in the last…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic caused many people to work from home. What did burglars do? "I'm working from home,as a burglar I've robbed my own house 150 times in the last…
"Just text us when you're here. There's no need to knock and get the dogs involved" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many house signs and doormats. A doorbell ring…
"The fire door is alarmed" is a typical building sign, but it's sometimes joked that the door is "alarmed" because it has a human personality. "So I passed a door with…
"Endorphins" shouldn't be confused with "indoor fins," but there are jokes. "The reason tropical fish have such a calming effect is all to do with the indoor…
"Throwing acid is wrong -- in some people's eyes" is a jocular saying ("in some people's eyes" is an expression usually not meant to be taken literally) that has been…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic resulted in quarantines. Many people anxiously waited until they could leave their homes. This was posted on Facebook by Amanda Arnold on March 20, 2020:…
"Kitchens and baths/bathrooms sell houses" is a popular real estate adage of unknown authorship. Kitchens and baths have a lot of features to them, and updated equipment helps to sell a…
"Knock knock." / "Who's there?" / "The doorbell repair man" is a version of the popular "knock, knock" joke. It's an anti-joke -- the knocks are…
A rough guideline is that one's income should be three times rent. This was posted on Twitter by "slate" and received 369,500 likes: "landlord: your income needs to be 3x…
There are landlords, but what about airlords (or skylords) and sealords? "Airlord, Sealord even Landlord" was posted on Twitter by MR NIGERIA on March 28, 2011. "The existence of…
There are landlords, but what about airlords (or skylords) and sealords? "Airlord, Sealord even Landlord" was posted on Twitter by MR NIGERIA on March 28, 2011. "The existence of…
Many people try to cut what they have to pay in half, but cutting bills in half doesn't work. "Last month I cut my energy bill in half.Didn't work though.I still had to pay the full…
"Lawns don't waste water, people do" (or "Lawns don't waste water, people waste water") is a slogan to encourage water conservation. "Landscaping doesn't…
The process of plant photosynthesis has been compared to a building's solar panels. "Leaves are the solar panels of plants" was posted on Twitter on July 8, 2010. "Trees have…
Poison ivy has three leaves, but the harmless Virginia creeper has five leaves. The rhyme "Fingers five, let them thrive!" has been cited in print since at least 1902. "Leaflets…
Poison ivy (and poison oak as well) has three leaves. "Fingers three, turn and flee" is from 1902 and "Leaves three, quickly flee" is from 1904. The rhyme "leaflets three,…
"Lego people live in houses made of their own flesh" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "When the time comes my Cinema Studies essay will be about The Lego Movie and…
"Lego people live in houses made of their own flesh" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "When the time comes my Cinema Studies essay will be about The Lego Movie and…
"Lego people live in houses made of their own flesh" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "When the time comes my Cinema Studies essay will be about The Lego Movie and…
"Life is like a door, you pass through the window and eat bread, but onions can never become chair" is a nonsensical saying that has been printed on many images. The saying means that…