Doughnut (zero bonus)

A donut and a bagel have been used in the sports world to represent the number "zero," for no score. The doughnut and the bagel and the number zero all have a hole. A "doughnut"…

Dumb Money

"Dumb money" is money from the average investor (a small, unsophisticated investor). The term "dumb money" has been in common use since at least 1985. The term "smart…

Dutch Sandwich

"Dutch sandwich" is a financial term about reducing U.S. tax obligations. For example, a Dutch corporation is formed and an investment is made in a Netherlands bank; an Antilles trust…

Economic Moat

American investor Warren Buffett said in 1985: "There are some businesses that have very large moats around them and they have crocodiles and sharks and piranhas swimming around them. Those…


"Extend and pretend" is what a lender might do with a "toxic" asset, such as a mortgage. A bank doesn't want to foreclose and take possession of the property, so it often…

Fake and Rake

"Fake and rake" is a scam where someone fakes something (for example, a disability) in order to rake in the money. "Sophie Maxwell must realize that her days of faking and raking in…

Fallen Angel

A "fallen angel" is a company or an investment that formerly had been successful, but has fallen in value. Investing in "fallen angels" is risky -- a company could go back up in…

Fallout Friday

Entry in progress -- B.P. This is MONEY (UK)Chancellor warns of 'fallout Friday' for financial markets if Labour wins electionBy ALEX BRUMMER FOR THE DAILY MAILPUBLISHED: 15:06 EST, 4 May…