
"Fedspeak" (also "Fed-speak" and "Fed speak") is when the Federal Reserve says something -- especially through its chairman. Alan Greenspan was Chairman of the Federal…

Fiscal Cliff

A "fiscal cliff" is a point where a government can't pay its bills. The term "fiscal cliff" was used in 1975 to describe New York City's financial crisis. "The…

Flash Crash

A "flash crash" is a sudden stock market decline. This can be triggered by computer selling, turning a small stock market drop into a crash in just a matter of minutes. The May 6, 2010…

Flat Broke

To be "flat broke" is to have absolutely no money. The word "flat" is added, perhaps, to emphasize that there is no bulge in any pants pocket to show even a single coin.…

Flight to Quality

A "flight to quality" is when investors sell higher-risk investments and purchase lower-risk investments (with lower potential returns). In the past, a "flight to quality" has…

Foam the Runway

An airport foams a runway when a crash landing is expected, minimizing the impact of the crash. The financial markets have long used the airplane language of a "soft landing" or a…