Economissed (economist/economy + missed; The Economist nickname)

“Economissed” (economist/economy + missed) is a jocular term for when an economic forecast (or an economic forecaster, such as an economist) misses the mark. The weekly newspaper The Economist is often dubbed The Economissed.
“Economissed? Not if you subscribe” was cited in The Economist in 1992. The spelling “eCONomissed” was cited in 2002. “The Economissed Track Record” (Ph.D. economists) was a headline in the financial blog Zero Hedge in August and September 2015.
Wikipedia: The Economist
The Economist is an English-language weekly newspaper owned by the Economist Group and edited in offices in London. Continuous publication began under founder James Wilson in September 1843. For historical reasons, The Economist refers to itself as a newspaper, but each print edition appears on small glossy paper like a news magazine. In 2006, its average weekly circulation was reported to be 1.5 million, about half of which were sold in the United States.
Google Books
The Economist
Volume 322, Issues 7740-7743
Pg. 13:
Economissed? Not if you subscribe.
Google Groups: soc.culture.singapore
where are those 100,000 singaporeans out of jobs…
Dr G H Tan
That was the figure I was told in most countries as some clever eCONomissed did that statistic and this ratio is one of the indicators will drive the economy up or down with sustainable manpower
Google Groups: soc.culture.malaysia
Worry: US rebound not helping S’pore
Dr G H Tan
I cannot understand why some eCONoMissed says US recovery can help Spore.
The Economissed
Follow the markets and get the real scoop on whats going - welcome to the Economissed.
6:40 AM - 26 Jun 2009
Jim D’Amico
i want to start a site called lessons learned from economic meltdowns, explained by infoviz. i own domain, want to help?
5:43 AM - 1 May 2010
Economist “economissed”
By | Published September 13, 2010
(The ad reads: “Economissed? Subscribe now.”—ed.)
Spec ad for The Economist
Gold Made Simple News
Friday, June 24th, 2011 | Posted by Paul Wiggins
The Economissed: Thank God it’s Friday!
Obama, in concert with the International Energy Agency, plans to draw 2 million barrel a day during the next month from U.S. and international reserves. Oil prices plunged…
Zero Hedge
The Economissed Track Record: In January 75% Of Experts Said The Fed Would Have Hiked By Now
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2015 15:35 -0400
If PhD economists were serious about getting things right, they would have a tough job. That goes double for PhD economists charged with making policy decisions based on their conclusions.
That’s because economics (like sociology and political science and astrology) isn’t a real science. It’s a pseudo-science. And as is the case with other pseudo-sciences, it’s flat out impossible to discover laws and immutable truths, no matter what anyone told you in your undergrad economics course.
Zero Hedge
The “Economissed” Track Record Revisited: Last Month, 82% Of “Experts” Expected A September Fed Hike
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 15:55 -0400
Last month, when economists were still banging their heads against the wall trying to determine if the turmoil unfolding in China’s equity markets would play a role in the Fed’s decision making come September 16/17, we took a look at how forecasters have fared when it comes to accurately predicting the timing of “liftoff.”