Epocalypse (economic apocalypse)

Entry in progress—B.P.
The Great Recession Blog
October 11, 2015 @ 1:15 pm
Epocalypse: What Trends Shape the World after Global Economic Collapse?
By David Haggith
To divine the direction the world will take after global economic collapse, you have to understand the prevailing winds and the underlying tides. Look for the megatrends that are influences against which all other forces have minor affect.
The Great Recession Blog
December 10, 2015 @ 5:04 pm
Epocalypse Soon: The Great Economic Collapse is Happening
By David Haggith
I use the term “epocalypse” to name the last days of the global economy as we know it — a global economic collapse of biblical proportion. It is economic, epochal, an apocalypse that will change the world and a collapse … all in one word that sounds the right size for what I’m talking about. Call it the “Great Collapse” or the “Epocalypse.” Whatever you call it, it’s about to change the world.

I am referring to an economic crisis so big that the global economy will be forever different after those days. This economic collapse has already begun throughout the world, but I am holding off on using the title “Epocalypse Now” until the US stock market joins the crash. That’s the point at which we’re all in (i.e., at a level where everyone knows it and denial that it is happening falls apart). I anticipate making that call in a matter of days now. Here is where we stand at present:
The Great Recession Blog
December 15, 2015 @ 11:20
The Epocalypse: What Will D-Day Look Like?
By David Haggith
D-day, December 16, 2015. It’s now the dawn of that day when either the Fed Does or the Fed Doesn’t. It doesn’t matter. Either way, the economic apocalypse begins. Let me share something counter-intuitive. Whether the Fed raises interest rates or not, this Wednesday is D-day for the Fed’s economic recovery because the Fed is Damned if it does and Damned if it doesn’t. I’ll certainly show you why, but the counterintuitive part is that you can expect the market to crash upward as it leaves Wonderland and returns to