Debt Man Walking

"Debt man walking" (a pun on the title of the 1995 film Dead Man Walking) refers to someone in a lot of debt. The moniker was the title of a book, Debt Man Walking: a 10-step investment…


"Debt-serfdom" (or "debt serfdom") is a condition where someone works like a serf or slave to eliminate a large debt. The term "debt serfdom" has existed since at…

Debtoholic (debt + -oholic)

Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterJF‏@jmf27614Democrats have no grasp of reality. Spendoholics, Debtoholics. #tcot #glennbeck #rush #tcot #sgp #teaparty PM -…

Deer Market

A "deer market" is neither a "bull market" (a rising market) or a "bear market" (a falling market). Investors in a deer market are perplexed about which way the market…


Entry in progress -- B.P.(deflation + -ista, as in words such as “Sandinista” and “fashionista”) A similar term is "inflationista."…


"Delay and pray" is what a lender might do with a "toxic" asset, such as a mortgage. A bank doesn't want to foreclose and take possession of the property, so it often…

Dirt Bond

"Diirt bonds" have been popular in California, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Louisiana, helping new developments by financing against the land (or "dirt"). Quasi-governmental…


Someone who is "dirt-poor" is extremely poor, owning little except, perhaps, dirt. The expression began in the United States in the second half of the 19th century, although it's not…

Disaster Divide

The term "disaster divide" means that natural disasters (such as earthquakes) cause more fatalities in poorer areas than in richer areas. In richer areas, the building construction is…