Dallas (city name etymology)

Wall Street Refiner

"Wall Street refiner" is a term that began in 1987-88, when Wall Street financial institutions became involved in the oil business. Wall Street has no refineries, of course. Firms such as…

Wall Streeter

A "Wall Streeter" is someone who works on Wall Street -- usually in the financial industry. A "Wall Streeter" could also mean someone who lives on Wall Street, but few people…

Walled City (Brooklyn)

Brooklyn became a city of warehouses by at least the Civil War (1860s). In Henry Reed Stiles's important three-volume work, A History of the City of Brooklyn (1867-1870), Brooklyn's…

Wally Martinez (Walmart nickname)

Walmart is a chain retail store that was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. The Walmart nickname of "Wally Martinez" has been cited in print since at least 1998 and is often said to be…

Wally World (Walmart nickname)

Walmart is a chain retail store that was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. "Wally World" was the name of the fictional amusement park in the comedy film National Lampoon's Vacation…


Walmart is a retail chain of large discount department stores. "Walmartization" can mean the coming of a Walmart store to a geographical area. "Walmartization," however, is most…

Walmartyr (Walmart + martyr)

The portmanteau word "Walmartyr" or 'Wal-Martyr" (Walmart + martyr) has had more than one meaning. Walmart (or Wal-Mart) is a chain of retail stores. The Urban Dictionary…