Wandelprobe (walking rehearsal)

Entry in progress—BP
(German for change rehearsal).Similar to SITZPROBE, the Wandelprobe is a rehearsal with full orchestra, and minor blocking (but not a full tech rehearsal).
Google Groups: rec.music.opera
David Radovich
Sep 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM
I was recently introduced to the term “sitzprobe” sp? and soon realized that it means a rehearsal of cast and orchestra without any acting or incidental music. It was suggested that the term had it’s origins in German opera but the individual was vague and unsure about it. Any informed musicians (or afficionados) know the scoop?? e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Thanx
James Jorden
Sep 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM
The “sitz” is only incidental to the meaning, which is: a runthrough in the theater of the music of an opera with full cast and orchestra, if *possible* without stopping for corrections. This is the conductor’s rehearsal; that means he is completely in charge. At this time the maestro gets a better idea of orchestral and vocal balance, and can get a jump on any problems of coordination between stage and pit. Usually there are a number of starts and redos, which means the session can be long and rather tedious for singers. So that’s why chairs are provided: thus the “sitz.”
In Italian theaters, this rehearsal is called “prova all’Italiana,” the Italian-style rehearsal. The only difference I see between this and the Sitzprobe is that Italian singers tend to mark unless they are specifically told to sing out by the maestro; Sitzprobe singers do not usually mark unless they are granted special dispensation.
If the set is in place and safe for walking, the rehearsal may be called a “Wandelprobe,” which means the singers are allowed (but not required) to “wander” over the set while singing. This can be very useful if the set is tricky (stairs, ramps, etc.); the singers can get a much better idea of how well they can hear the orchestra and see the maestro from their various stage positions. Occasionally, if there is a problem with balance, some compromises may be worked out with the stage director at this rehearsal, bringing the singer farther downstage, or whatever.

james jorden
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Sep 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM
I have sat through a number of these sitzprobes. The singers sit on chairs at the front of the stage. They can use scores, if necessary. The main purpose is to let the conductor check the musical preparation (including notes) and begin setting balances between singers and orchestras (which are always too loud). The wandelprobe is a different kind of rehearsal, in which the effect of the set, staging, etc., on the music and balances can be assessed.
Fred T Paul
@m_bland ah. a Wandelprobe is a Sitzprobe + Loose Blocking.
10:17 PM · Jun 30, 2009
Replying to @ajholmesmusic
@ajholmesmusic you sit at a sitzprobe, you wander at a wandelprobe! #operaterms #german
4:36 PM · Sep 26, 2011
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Today we have our Wandelprobe! (Yes, it sounds like Fondle/Probe.) It’s like a Sitzprobe with light blocking (petting).
9:14 AM · Jul 9, 2012
Jay Wahl
A wandelprobe is a sitzprobe with some minor blocking involved. #tonight
4:30 PM · Mar 24, 2013
Margo Gray
Sitzprobe vs. wandelprobe: one sounds like a painful operation, one sounds like a crime. But I’d rather wandel anyday. #opera #internlife
9:00 PM · Aug 5, 2013
Shelley Quiala
“At a sitzprobe they sitz, and at a wandelprobe they wandel.” - lessons in theater from Andy Luft @theordway
11:16 PM · Jul 14, 2017
David Charles Abell
Wandelprobe (variant of Sitzprobe): first rehearsal with singers & orchestra together. Conductor’s favorite! #MagicFlutePHL #O17
12:33 PM · Sep 10, 2017
Charles R. Kaiser 🇺🇦
Replying to @riggerx
A Wandelprobe is like a Sitzprobe, but with blocking and movement.
3:08 PM · Jul 2, 2018
Theatre Geekery
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Wandelprobe - Theatre Etymology - Part 23
If you guessed that Wandelprobe was related to sitzprobe in a way, you’d be correct. It is technically pronounced as “von-dell-pro-buh,” but some directors and other theatre professionals may say it “wan-del-pro-buh” or “wan-del-probe.”
Different directors and conductors conduct wandelprobes differently. In fact, even the same person may hold them differently depending on the production and the needs of the production. However, in general, it means that the actors and singers are free to wander over the stage while the band or orchestra plays. They still have to sing the parts they are assigned while wandering over the stage.
Steven John
Replying to @miriwinkle and @CarrieHFletcher
A sitzprobe is where cast sit but sing with the band/orchestra, a wandelprobe is where they first try the staging/blocking with the orchestra
4:04 PM · Aug 3, 2019
32 Theatre Terms Everyone Should Know
From “break a leg” to “strike,” here’s what they mean and where they came from.

AUGUST 10, 2019
Another term with German origins, sitzprobe translates to “seated rehearsal.” This is typically the first rehearsal when the orchestra and the cast sing through the show in its entirety while sitting at music stands. A wandelprobe is a similar rehearsal, joining the instrumentalists and onstage performers, but as the actors wander through their blocking on stage.
Eric Hart
Replying to @cue2_go
Randy Lutz taught me how to tell them apart: in a sitzprobe, the artists sitz in chairs. In a wandelprobe, they wandel around the stage.
10:53 AM · Sep 6, 2019
Christopher Chen
WANDELPROBE: It’s like a Sitzprobe but with blocking (stage movements and/or choreography). What’s a Sitzprobe? The first time the cast sings with the orchestra.
Had our Wandelprobe for #EWPAssassins today. So… https://instagram.com/p/B9OTw27JteL/?igshid=cfjq60ocmzls
2:53 AM · Mar 2, 2020 from Los Angeles, CA
Replying to @charlofin
Of course!
Sitzprobe typically describes a seated rehearsal — in musicals & opera, it’s the rehearsal in which we seat and sing for the first time with the full orchestra of the show.
There’s also the Wandelprobe — which does have minor blocking vs just sitting down!
2:33 PM · Jul 15, 2022