Biggest Little City in the World (Reno, Nevada nickname)

Winesday Wednesday

"Winesday Wednesday" is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. The term is usually simply "Winesday" and it could occur on any day of the week, but it's usually held…


"Winespeak" is the specialized language used in the wine industry. "Winespeak" can involve a technical term (such as "foxy," from "fox grapes") or a lengthy…

Wing Wednesday

"Wing Wednesday" is when an eating establishment serves chicken wings on Wednesday -- usually at a reduced price. "Wild Wing Wednesday" has been cited in print since at least…

WiNo (Williamsburg North)

"SoHo Is SoOver, New Yorkers Are Moving to WiNo and Rambo" by Corinne Ramey appeared in The Wall Street Journal on September 10, 2015. It explained that "WiNo" stands for…

Winter Texan

"Winter Texan" is what is called a "snowbird" in Florida -- someone who comes down from the north to experience a more moderate temperature during winter (December through…

Winterval (winter+ festival)

"Winterval" (winter + festival) was coined in 1997 by Mike Chubb, the Birmingham (UK) city council's head of events, as the name of a winter festival around the time of Christmas and…

Wise Latina

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1954, from parents of Puerto Rican descent. In Sotomayor's 2009 Senate confirmation hearing, a 2001 statement that she…


A "Wisenheimer" (or "wisenheimer") is a "wise guy," a "smarty pants," a "smart aleck" (see "smart aleck" in this section), a fellow…

Wish Sandwich

A "wish sandwich" was explained in the song "Rubber Biscuit," originally by The Chips in 1956, but popularized by the Blues Brothers (Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi) on the New…

Wishbone (Wish Bone; Wishing Bone)

The "wishbone (also "wish bone" or "wishing bone") is a forked bone, named using the Latin word forcula. The bone has been called "merrythought" in England since…

Wishbone Offense (football formation)

The "wishbone" offense is an offense that sets up like a "Y" or "wishbone." It is primarily a running offense. University of Texas Coach Darrell Royal used the…

Witch of Wall Street

The moniker "Witch of Wall Street" is usually associated with Hetty Green (1834-1916), who was one of the world's richest women during his lifetime. Many stories were written about…