“A nickel a shtickel”
"A nickel a shtickel." New York delis used to feature these signs. It meant that they were selling the ends of a salami for five cents. It was a good rhyme and a good business. New York…
"A nickel a shtickel." New York delis used to feature these signs. It meant that they were selling the ends of a salami for five cents. It was a good rhyme and a good business. New York…
"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore" is a bit of monetary nonsense that has been credited to New York Yankee baseball great Yogi Berra since at least 1979. A nickel (five cents) is…
This is listed as an "old New York saying" or "Yiddish saying" on many web sites. It had better be old. The subway a nickel? I've also seen it on the web as "three…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A political version is: "A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A non sequitur version is: "A non sequitur walks into a bar. In a strong wind, even…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A science joke is: "A non-renewable natural resource walks into a bar and orders a…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A nose version is: "A nose walks into a bar and asks for a pint. The barman says,…
"One nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day" and "Nuclear war can spoil your whole day" are anti-nuclear sayings that have been printed on many images. "Tom Carpenter, a…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A number version is: "A number 12 walks into a bar and asks for a beer. 'Sorry I…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." Religious versions are: “A priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender…
"A nut for a jar of tuna"is a palindrome (reading the same backwards). "A Nut for a jar of tuna" was posted on the newsgroup alt.anagrams on January 17, 1997. Google Groups:…
"A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. No excuses" is a motivation saying that has been printed on posters. "There are no excuses...you just gotta make time!!! a 1 hour workout…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A dice version is: "A pair of dice walk into a bar. The bartender asks, 'What are…
The word "panda" sounds like "pan, duh." A riddle was posted on Twitter by Nickiey on June 10, 2009. Q: What does a panda cook with? A: A PAN duh!! A slightly different version…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic caused many people to be locked down at home -- were they ate a lot. There is no panda in pandemic, but there are jokes. "On average, a panda feeds for…
"A panda walks into a restaurant" is the start of a classic joke. After the panda enjoys the meal, he shoots at the waiter and exits. The restaurant manager runs after the panda, who says…
"Pansexual" has nothing to do with pans, but there are "pan pizza" jokes. "I guess I'm pansexual. It accurately describes me better than bi... Except it makes me think…
"A paper cut is a tree's last revenge" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Has realized that a paper cut is a tree's last stand, it's final…
A "paper jam" is not a food, but there are jokes. "Paper Jam is the most flavorless of all condiments" was posted on X/Twitter by The Drawn on June 16, 2011. "paper jam is…
"A paper never refuses/refused ink" means that just because something is printed (for example, in a newspaper), doesn't make it true. A publisher can print anything -- "a paper…