
New York Tough (#NewYorkTough)

"#NewYorkTough" was posted on Twitter by Antwan Baggs on February 28, 2011. During the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made this tweet on March 22, 2020:…

New York Trigger

A "New York trigger" is a trigger on guns to make it harder to fire. This was intended to cut down on accidental shootings. A "New York trigger" is harder to pull because…

New York Values

Ted Cruz, the U.S. Senator from Texas, and Donald Trump, the New York City developer, had a debate on "New York values" in January 2016, when they were contending for the Republican…

New York with Palm Trees (Miami nickname)

Miami Beach has had so many visitors and residents from New York City that it was called "New York with palm trees." "Miami, eh? The playground of the rich and the lazy, little old…

New York’s Brightest (teachers)

New York has the Finest (police), Bravest (fire), Strongest (sanitation), and Boldest (corrections). Other, similar nicknames are less established. "Join New York's Brightest -- Teach…