Stresspresso (stress + espresso)
"Good morning, I'll take a large iced fuckoffee with a shot of stresspress" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. "Fuckoffee" (fuck off + coffee) is a…
"Good morning, I'll take a large iced fuckoffee with a shot of stresspress" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. "Fuckoffee" (fuck off + coffee) is a…
New York City was called "Strike City, U.S.A." in October 1968 because of so many municipal strikes. The nickname "Strike City was influenced by Mayor John Lindsay's "Fun…
"Strip and flip" (or "strip 'n' flip") is an investment term that sounds like something out of a gentleman's club. A company is acquired, reorganized…
New York City has a Museum of Sex. Not only did we give the world the "hooker," but we also started "strip tease." "Strip tease" grew out of burlesque, about…
"Striped Bass a la Manhattan" was served at Delmonico's in the 1800s and appeared in several cookbooks. Charles Ranhofer's The Epicurean (1894) detailed many of Delmonico's…
"Strivers' Row" (sometimes spelled "Striver's Row") is located on West 138th and West 139th Streets between Adama Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard (Seventh Avenue) and…
Mexican street food (such as "street tacos") is usually cheap and authentic. An American joke is the "stroad taco." "stroad tacos" was posted on X/Twitter by micycle…
John Street, located in the Financial District of lower Manhattan, was dubbed "Stroller Alley" in the 2000s. The name comes from condos and a preschool located on the street, resulting in…
Child strollers can take up a large portion of the sidewalk. A "stroller Nazi" describes a person (usually a mother) who aggressively drives a stroller down the sidewalk, forcing other…
Brooklyn's Park Slope became known in the 1990s as a desirable place to raise a family. So many child strollers could be seen on the sidewalks that the term "stroller mafia" (also…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Italian foods similar and often confused with the stromboli include the calzone, hippie roll/eppie roll and panzarotti/panzerotti. Wikipedia: Stromboli (food)Stromboli is…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Charlie StrongCharles R. Strong (born August 2, 1960) is currently an American football head coach for the University of Texas Longhorns. Strong is a graduate…
Germans have given much to Texas, and the strudel pastry is one such food. In 2003, the Texas legislature declared the strudel and the sopaipilla to both be official state pastries (with the law…
A "struggle sandwich" is a sandwich on a low budget. It might be two slices of bread with a condiment in the middle, or with ice cubes in the middle. The term appears to have originated…
Manhattan's Second Avenue Subway project has been talked about and delayed for over half a century. By the late 1990s, it was proposed to build a Second Avenue "Stubway" -- a…
The character Larry "the Liquidator" Garfinkle in the 1989 Jerry Sterner play Other People's Money used the term "stuckholders" to refer to "stockholders." People…
A "stud muffin" (or "studmuffin") is a very attractive man (a "stud"). The "muffin" ending is less understandable, and it possibly is related to the similar…
The SAT test (popularly used in college admissions) once stood for “Scholastic Aptitude Test” and then “Scholastic Assessment Test.” There have been many backronyms (back acronyms) for…
The "studio" (or "studio apartment") is all in one room. It's usually the name for the smallest living space you can buy -- even smaller than a one-bedroom apartment. The…
"Studs and duds" is a player acquisition strategy that is especially popular in constructing fantasy sports teams. A few high-priced "studs" are acquired, and then low-priced…