
Poor Man’s Butter (avocado)

The avocado was called the "poor man's butter" in Latin American countries, where the rich, buttery texture and mild nutty flavor was used in place of butter fat. "Poor…

Poor Man’s Fertilizer (snow)

Snow -- especially a late snow in the spring -- has long been called the "poor man's manure" or "poor man's fertilizer." The snow contains nitrogen that helps plant…

Poor Man’s Manure (snow)

Snow -- especially a late snow in the spring -- has long been called the "poor man's manure" or "poor man's fertilizer." The snow contains nitrogen that helps plant…

Pop-Up Hotel

The "pop-up hotel" follows a trend opf pther pop-ups, such as the pop-up restaurant. Pop-up hotels are usually set up for specific events, such as a sports festival or a music festival.…

Popcorn at the movies

Eating popcorn at a movie theater is a popular tradition now, but popcorn wasn't always served at the movies. Samuel M. Rubin ("Sam the Popcorn Man," who died in 2004 at age 85) is…