Archive for 02/2020

“I never finish anyth”

"I never finish anyth" -- the word "anything" is unfinished -- is a jocular alcohol saying that has been printed on many images. "I never finish anyth” as been cited in…

“After whiskey, driving risky”

"After whisk(e)y, driving risky" (or "After drinking whisk(e)y, driving is risky") is road sign that has been printed on many images. The sign has been popular in Central Asia.…

“After whisky, driving risky”

"After whisk(e)y, driving risky" (or "After drinking whisk(e)y, driving is risky") is road sign that has been printed on many images. The sign has been popular in Central Asia.…

“Legalize marinara”

"Legalize marinara" -- a joke on "Legalize marijuana" -- is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying has been popular at Italian-American restaurants.…