Con-a-sewer (connoisseur)
"Con-a-sewer" is a jocular spelling of "connoisseur." A "con-a-sewer" might have discriminating tastes, but "connoisseur" might be too highfalutin to…
"Con-a-sewer" is a jocular spelling of "connoisseur." A "con-a-sewer" might have discriminating tastes, but "connoisseur" might be too highfalutin to…
"Legalize gay marijuana/weed" is a nonsense saying that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts and bumper stickers. The saying combines "legalize gay marriage"…
"Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs" is printed on many posters, with credit to American businessman Farrah Gray. "If you don't build your own…
"The dollar votes more times than the man" means that one person has only one vote, but one rich person can use his or her money to influence the vote many times. American political…
Barbecue is often served in a shack -- and not at a fancy restaurant. The main barbecue feature is a barbecue pit and the smoke that it adds to the food; this style of cooking can't be made in…
"Lewflation" (low + inflation) has been used infrequently since at least 1984. The term "lowflation" was popularized on March 4, 2014 on iMFdirect (a website of the…
Frank Sinatra (1915-1998) and Dean Martin (1917-1995) were two members of the "Rat Pack" who performed in Las Vegas in the 1960s. One comedy bit had one ask the other, "How do you…
"The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly" has been credited to Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) since at least 1884, but there is no evidence that he ever said it.…
"Smart girls open their minds, easy girls open their legs, (and) foolish girls open their hearts" is a saying that has been printed on posters and has been very popular on Twitter.…
"Pseudocracy" (pseudo + democracy) has been infrequently used for many years by several independent sources. H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) wrote in a parody of T. S. Eliot's "The…
What's The Scoop? ice cream shop in Goshen (Orange County, New York) offers a drink called the "Orange County" (orange soda and vanilla ice cream). The "Orange County"…
"Bananageddon" (banana + Armageddon) is a term to describe a shortage of bananas. "Bananageddon" was the name of a computer game and was cited on Twitter in December 2008.…
Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965) gave a speech in Denver on September 5, 1952. Stevenson was known for his wit, although he would lose the 1952 presidential election to Dwight Eisenhower. He said:…
"Way South Austin" is a nickname for the area in Austin south of Slaughter Lane on Manchaca (pronounced "man-shack") Road. "Way South Austin" has been cited in print…
The Four Seasons restaurant, located in Manhattan's Seagram Building at 99 East 52nd Street, opened in 1959. A large curtain designed by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) for the Ballets Russes ballet…
"Why is the Second Amendment the only Constitutional right you need a permit to use?" was popularized on on March 7, 2014. However, "Why is the #2ndAmendment -the…
Guy Clark wrote the song "Homegrown Tomatoes" for the album Better Days (1983). The chorus of the song became well-known: Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoesWhat'd life be without…
Nazi Germany's Gestapo was its official secret police; the term "Gestapo" has later been used to describe forceful, authoritarian tactics. "Gaystapo" (gay + Gestapo) has…
The United States capital of Washington, District of Columbia ("DC"), has been nicknamed the "District of Cunts" since at least 2009. The nickname was popularized on the…
"Road rage" -- aggressive behavior by the driver of one automobile against one or more other vehicles -- became a popular term about 1987-88. KTLA, a television station in Los Angeles,…