Con-a-sewer (connoisseur)

“Con-a-sewer” is a jocular spelling of “connoisseur.” A “con-a-sewer” might have discriminating tastes, but “connoisseur” might be too highfalutin to describe them.
“Con a sewer” has been cited in print since at least 2002.
Wikipedia: Connoisseur
A connoisseur (French traditional (pre-1835) spelling of connaisseur, from Middle-French connoistre, then connaître meaning “to be acquainted with” or “to know somebody/something.”) is a person who has a great deal of knowledge about the fine arts, cuisines, or an expert judge in matters of taste. In many areas the term now has an air of pretension, and may be used in a partly ironic sense, but in the art trade connoisseurship remains a crucial skill for the identification and attribution to individual artists of works, where documentary evidence of provenance is lacking. The situation in the wine trade is similar, for example in assessing the potential for ageing in a young wine through wine tasting.
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Jack E Martinelli
You’re a good user, heirloom, despite being “old and sickly” and from East Texas.
I dream about watching Joan & Figgs serving you yet another helping of your “bodacious nuclear” chili accompanied by some of my “con a sewer” wine .
RE: MPLS. ST. Paul Sat. lunch. Where to go? Tue, 12/6/05 8:19 PM
While a true barbecue con-a-sewer would turn their nose up at this place, Rudolph’s on Lyman in Minneapolis fits the description of what you’re looking for perfectly.
May 28, 2007
Every chain coffee and every diner coffee sucks, black. As a one time professional con-a-sewer of road swill (breakfast of courier – coffee and a cigarette), of the choices available Tim’s is still the best tasting, even if that isn’t saying much. It is also far superior to what most of my co-workers make in the office.
Neurotic to a Tea
Well excuse me, Mr. Tea Con-oh-sewer!
Lara, Brian, Sarah and I went to The Tipsy Teapot to get some tea this afternoon.
dread debiase
folow us cause we go hard freestyle ....@Jay_West_Go @tah_mf @rap_con_a_sewer…..... Check It Out? PLZ RT TGIF #FF
1:29 PM - 28 Aug 2009
Google Books
Den of Thieves
By Julia Golding
New York, NY: Macmillan
Pg. 48:
“I’ve got everything a man could want, but I’ve found that recently I’ve developed the tastes of a con-a-sewer.”
How appropriate. He meant connoisseur, of course.
big truck tacos
@ElwellEats you should try the grilled cheese…. I know you are a con o sewer…..also TVDinner Tuesday’s rock! Great value!
1:26 PM - 23 Jan 2012
Tzod Earf
piggyback rider and con-a-sewer of pork dumplings
8:56 PM - 3 Apr 2014