Archive for 01/2013

“Room service? Send up a larger room!”

"Room service? Send up a larger room!" is a line spoken by Groucho Marx (1890-1977) in the movie Room Service (1938). The film script was written by Morrie Ryskind (1895-1985). The line…

Livermush (Liver Mush)

Livermush (or "liver mush") is a dish that is similar to scrapple, except a pig's liver is used instead of a pig's feet. Cornmeal, sage an pepper are added, making it resemble a…


"Shigging" is a term used in barbecue competitions and has been defined as entering another team's site with intent of stealing BBQ secrets in an effort to improve one's own…


A "hodger" is a guest who eats most of the host's food and drinks most of the host's drinks. "Hodger" has been listed in The Online Slang Dictionary since 2002 and is…

Huckdummy (Hucky Dummy)

"Huckdummy" (also "huck dummy") or "huckydummy" (also "hucky-dummy" or "hucky dummy") is a cowboy's name for baking-powder biscuits with…

Overland Trout (bacon)

"Overland trout" is a cowboy slang name for "bacon." The term "overland trout" was part of a larger cowboy slang list that was printed in many newspapers in 1887.…