Huckdummy (Hucky Dummy)

“Huckdummy” (also “huck dummy”) or “huckydummy” (also “hucky-dummy” or “hucky dummy”) is a cowboy’s name for baking-powder biscuits with raisins. “Hucky-dummy” has been cited in print since at least 1927.
The origin of the name is not known.
Dictionary of American Regional English
Volume II D-H
Frederic G. Cassidy, Chief Editor
Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Pg. 1142:
hucky dummy n
A biscuit with raisins; see quots.
1929 in 1932 Hench Coll., “Hucky dummy” [is] made of sourdough and raisins.
1968 Adams Western Words 156, Huckydummy—A cowboy’s name for baking-powder biscuits with raisins.
Google Books
Cow Country
By Will James
New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons
Pg. 156:
Frank had been inside of the house, showing the new cook how to make “hucky-dummy” and “son- of-a-gun-in-the-sack,” and it’d never come to Dan’s mind to call him to witness what he’d just seen.
Google Books
By Will James
New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons
Pg. 202:
“Now, don’t forget,” he says, changing the subject, while he stuffed some “huckydummy” and a jar of home-made tomato preserves in the “aparejo.”
Google Books
Home Ranch
By Will James
New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons
Pg. 188:
After taking on a couple of hunks of “huckydummy” (baking powder raisin bread) and as many cups of black coffee, the nighthawk rolled a cigarette and talked to the cook a while.
Frontier Gentleman
Series Log
by B. J. George
#16 May 18. 1958 “Advice to the Lovelorn”
“I learned two things in Cheyenne. One, that hucky-dummy is baking powder bread with raisins.”
Old West Words and Phrases
Russ T Chambers:
Quote from: litl rooster on March 16, 2005, 04:27:58 am
Russ T you are correct with Squezzin’ Lizzie…...... Never heard Hucky Dummy
One of many types of rice puddin’.
Google Books
The Great American Camping Cookbook
By Scott Cookman
New York, NY: Broadway Books
Pg. 91:
... “huck dummy” (frypan bread with raisins), ...
September 28, 2012 - 12:46pm
27 Cowboy Slang Terms for Things You Eat and Drink
by Adrienne Crezo
10. Huckdummy: Biscuits with raisins
Food Republic
Word Of The Day: Huckdummy
Oct 29, 2012 12:31 pm
Huckdummy is cowboy slang for biscuits and raisins, popular prairie fare. Sure beans are still in the diet, but in the history Food Republic wrote, even Jesse James wouldn’t have become a legend without this important dish. Texas, show us how it’s done.