Archive for 01/2013

“No cop, no stop”

"No cop, no stop" is a popular cycling adage. If a cyclist sees a stop sign, and there is no traffic and no traffic cop, the cyclist frequently applies the "no cop, no stop"…

Beep and Creep (Creep and Beep)

"Beep and creep" traffic (or "creep and beep" traffic) is an expression for when traffic slows down, cars creep along, and traffic horns start to beep. Both "beep" and…

Bike Salmon

"Bike salmon" are cyclists who "swim upstream" (like salmon) by going the wrong way on a one-way street. "Bike salmon" also refers to riders who go the wrong way on…

Gutter Bunny (bicycle commuter)

A bicycling commuter has been called a "gutter bunny" since at least 1995. The term is a jocularly derisive expression that was first popular with mountain bikers, but is now in common…