Gutter Bunny (bicycle commuter)

A bicycling commuter has been called a “gutter bunny” since at least 1995. The term is a jocularly derisive expression that was first popular with mountain bikers, but is now in common use.
Google Groups:
OFF-ROAD BIKE SLANG wanted by author
Shaun C. Murray
Mar 28 1995, 12:03 pm
One I heard yesterday which is going straight into my dictionary is “Gutter Bunny” for a commuter cyclist.
Google Groups:
Jerry Dunn
Apr 5 1995, 1:00 am
gutter bunny n.  a bicycling commuter.
9 May 1996, St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press, “Cyclers gear up for big day of fuel saving,” pg. 1D:
They’re called “gutter bunnies.” They’re the cyclists you see cranking along the snowbanks every morning in January, huffing home sweating bullets in August, and pedaling off to work, come rain, shine and everything in between.
Newsweek magazine
June 16, 1997
By CARLA KOEHL and LUCY HOWARD with bureau reports  
IT TAKES MORE THAN 10 speeds to bike off-road. When hitting the trail this summer, you’d better have a handle on your mountain-biker lingo:
Gutter bunny: Someone who commutes by bicycle
Google Books
The authoritative topic-by-topic dictionary of American lingoes from all walks of life

By Paul Dickson
New York, NY: Pocket Books
Pg. 231:
gutter bunny. (mountain biking) A bicycling commuter.
Urban Dictionary
gutter bunny
I.e. Bicycle Commuters.
They’re the cyclists you see cranking along the snowbanks every morning in January, huffing home sweating bullets in August, and pedaling off to work, come rain, shine and everything in between. … refer to themselves as. May have originally started as a disparaging remark mountain bikers used to refer to commuters as but it has now been accepted.
by bayamus Aug 14, 2009
Google Books
BMX and Mountain Biking:
The World’s Best Parks, Trails, Streets, and Techniques
By Paul Mason
Mankato, MN: Capstone Press
Pg. 30:
gutter bunny someone who cycles to work or school
the chainlink
What’s a Gutter Bunny?
Posted by Krista Homiak on July 7, 2010 at 11:43pm
I shot a video asking cyclists what they thought a gutter bunny is in reference to a bicycle term and got some pretty funny answers.