Archive for 09/2011

Pole Tax (homophone of “poll tax”)

"Tits for tots" (a pun on "tit-for-tat") was the nickname pf a proposed 2004 Texas strip club tax that would, supposedly, have raised revenue for the education of Texas…

Tits-for-Tots (strip club “pole tax”)

"Tits for tots" (a pun on "tit-for-tat") was the nickname pf a proposed 2004 Texas strip club tax that would, supposedly, have raised revenue for the education of Texas…

Empty Calories

"Empty calories" are calories that don't have many nutritional values (such as vitamins or minerals) and come from foods such as cakes, candy, ice cream, sodas and alcoholic drinks.…

Cost of Living

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Cost of livingCost of living is the cost of maintaining a certain standard of living. Changes in the cost of living over time are often operationalized in a…

Shell Game

The"shell game" consists of three shells (or cups) with a pea placed underneath one of the shells; the shells are then moved quickly, and people wager which shell contains the pea.…