SCOAMF (Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure)

Several conservative and libertarian blogs (especially Ace of Spades HQ)  began, in August 2011, to call President Barack Obama a “Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure” (SCOAMF or SCFOAMF). “SCOMAFOTUS” (Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure Of The United States) was also used. Several “SCOAMF” entries were made in the Urban Dictionary.
Urban Dictionary
Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.
An empty suit propped up by the media reading old tired Marxist tripe from a teleprompter.
A vapid celebrity or politician incapable of originating or uttering a coherent thought without a teleprompter or cue cards.
Someone demonstrably stupid and yet convinced of their own infallibility, even though unable to think or emote.
A politician or celebrity who has no resume, no plan, no clue, and cannot speak without someone telling them what to say.
Did you hear that Obama has decided food stamps create jobs?
Yeah. What a SCoaMF.

by sifty boones Aug 18, 2011
Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure, used on conservative and libertarian blogs to describe both the performance and the person of President Obama.
That SCOAMF really jacked up the economy.
by Moronette Aug 22, 2011
(Photoshop of the Obama “Hope” poster—ed.)
Ace of Spades HQ
August 17, 2011
Plummet: Confidence In Obama On The Economy Falls Sharply To… 26%
It had been around 36-37% just a few months ago. Likewise, disapproval shot up from 60% or thereabouts to… 71%.

Now, I guess I could post John E’s excellent “SCOAMF” photoshop.
But that would just be piling on. So I won’t.
(The photoshop title of Barack Obama’s book is “The Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure: Thoughts on How to Destroy the American Economy”—ed.)
Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure
Ace of Spades HQ
August 23, 2011
38%: SCOAMFOTUS Hits New Low In Gallup Approval; Also Hits New Low on Rasmussen
Thirty eight percent.
Disapproval ties (I think) his record, at 54%.
This doesn’t feel like a blip.
Zion’s Trumpet
Now Available – The Whole Obama SCFOAMF Series!
August 24, 2011
The book was the first one out in the SCFOAMF series I posted the other day from The Feral Irishman and Wirecutter.

Feral Irishman is here: and Wirecutter is here:
These Three new items in the SCFOAMF series I stole from Soylent Green at: