Archive for 09/2011

Great Stagnation

The "Great Stagnation" is a term applied to an economy that is not advancing or developing. The economist Lester C. Thurow wrote a piece titled "The Great Stagnation" for the…

Low Line

The High Line is a public park that was made from an abandoned elevated railroad on the west side of Manhattan. Two proposed New York City public parks grabbed the "Low Line" moniker. In…

Frozen Zone

A "frozen zone" is a high security area that is off limits ("frozen") to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. A "frozen zone" can be declared after a disaster (such as…

Top Dollar

To get "top dollar" on a used car or other item is to get the best price (the most money) for it -- a dollar amount that can't be topped. The term "top dollar" has been…

Lager Beer

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: LagerLager (German: storage) is a type of beer made from malted barley that is brewed and stored at low temperatures. There are many types of lager; pale lager…