Alphebetical for "w"

“Water flows uphill toward money”

Water usually follows gravity and flows downhill. "Water flows uphill to/toward/towards money" is a jocular saying popular where water is scarce, such as in California, Arizona and Texas.…

“Water is just boneless ice”

Water is a liquid and ice is a solid. "Water is just boneless ice" is a jocular saying. "Water is just boneless ice" was posted on Twitter by adam on May 14, 2017. "wAtEr…

“Water is just cloud milk”

"Water is like snow juice. Like cloud milk" -- an interesting description of rain and snow -- was posted on Twitter on December 20, 2013. "Water is just cloud milk... think about…

“Water is just ice juice”

Some people jocularly refer to water as "ice juice." "Overheard at the lunch table from my 5 year old: 'Water is melted ice juice'" was posted on Twitter by Jamie on…

“Water is the default flavor”

"Water is the default flavor" was posted on Reddit -- Showerthoughts on June 14, 2020. Some people disagreed. "The default flavor is actually your saliva. So if something has no…

“Water is the grown-up drink”

A viral tweet (over 420,000 likes) was posted on Twitter by Alex Pettijohn @98fireball on April 6, 2019: "I used to think coffee was a grown-up drink. Then I thought alcohol was a grown up…

“Water uses cloud storage”

Cloud storage doesn't involve actual clouds, but there are jokes. "@K_Afqua: Every water bottling company uses cloud storage" was posted on Twitter by Grand Master Force (ENTP) on…