“Watching a graduation ceremony is like sitting through a movie that’s entirely end credits”

“Graduation speeches are like end credits at the movies.. no body really cares” was posted on Twitter on May 26, 2011. “A graduation ceremony is like a movie where everyone is just there for the end credits” was posted on Twitter on June 15, 2013.
“Watching a graduation ceremony is like sitting through a movie that’s entirely end credits” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on May 18, 2018.
Bored.  My brothers graduation is like the end credits of Lord of the Rings.
2:14 PM - 12 Jun 2009
Kimi Pendrix
Graduation speeches are like end credits at the movies.. no body really cares
5:52 PM - 26 May 2011
David Paul
A graduation ceremony is like a movie where everyone is just there for the end credits.
4:44 PM - 15 Jun 2013
My Graduation ceremony felt like they were rolling the end credits to university life
1:00 PM - 18 Nov 2014
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Watching a graduation ceremony is like sitting through a movie thats entirely end credits
submitted May 18, 2018 by definitelyusername
Shower Thoughts Bot
Watching a graduation ceremony is like sitting through a movie thats entirely end credits #thoughts
4:47 PM - 18 May 2018