Alphebetical for "n"

Norvegan (Norwegian + vegan)

"Norvegan" (Norwegian + vegan) is a jocular term. "Q: What do you call a Norwegian that doesn't kill baby seals nor whales? A: A Norvegan! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" was posted on…

Norwegian Capital of Texas (Clifton nickname)

Clifton was declared the "Norwegian Capital of Texas" in 1997 by the Texas legislature. Immigration from Norway to Texas started in the 1850s-1860, led by Cleng Peerson (1782-1865).…

Not Safe For Work (NSFW)

Many workers look at many websites while at work. "NSFW" ("Not Safe For Work" or "Not Suitable For Work") is a warning that material will be on the screen that might…

Nothing Burger (Nothingburger)

A "nothing burger" (or "nothingburger") is a person who is a non-entity, or an idea that is without merit, or anything that's a lot of nothing. A "nothing burger"…

Nothing But Crap (NBC nickname)

The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) began in 1926 and is headquartered at the GE Building in Manhattan's Rockefeller Center. Critics have said that "NBC" stands for "Nothing…

Nots (Nets basketball team nickname)

The New Jersey Nets team joined the NBA in 1976 and has been an underperforming professional basketball franchise for most of its NBA existence. The nickname "Nots" has been used since at…