Muppets (derogatory name for financial clients)
"Muppets" are puppets originally created by Jim Henson (1936-1990). Muppet characters are almost universally loved by both children and adults. On March 14, 2012, the New York (NY) Times…
"Muppets" are puppets originally created by Jim Henson (1936-1990). Muppet characters are almost universally loved by both children and adults. On March 14, 2012, the New York (NY) Times…
Breckenridge was named the "Mural Capital of Texas" by the Texas legislature in 2001. Murals were painted around the town by Billy Ines, based on historic town photos. ePodunk:…
Myrtle Avenue (Fort Greene, Brooklyn) used to be known as "Murder Avenue" in the early 1990s, but the neighborhood has changed.…
"Murder Burger" is sold at the First Way Deli ("Home of the Murder Burger") in the Bronx, at 1030 East Tremont Avenue and West Farms. The deli's "Murder Burger"…
Ciudad Juárez (across the Rio Grande from the Texas city of El Paso) achieved the nickname "murder city" in 2010, with the publication of the book Murder City: Ciudad Juárez and the…
"Murder, Inc." is the name of the old criminal association of the 1930s and 1940s. The name was coined in a New York World-Telegram headline, from headline writer Asa Bordages…
The city of Minneapolis (MN) was dubbed "Murderapolis" (murder + Minneapolis) by some in the 1990s after an increase in crime. Mark Koscielski, a gun shop owner, sued Minneapolis for its…
"Murderers' Row" is a true New York City term. It grew from the infamous "Tombs" prison (long demolished) in the 1800s. In the 1920s, "Murderers' Row" was…
Moderna is an American pharmaceutical that manufactured an mRNA vaccine during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. This vaccine was Moderna's only product, and some critics called the company…
The New York Observer has called the Murray Hill section of Manhattan "Murray Hell." The strip of Third Avenue, between 29th and 38th Street, just has too many young people. The horror!…
"Murray Hiller” is the name of an inhabitant of Murray Hill, in the borough of Manhattan. The name “Murray Hiller” has been cited in print since at least 1870. Wikipedia: Murray Hill,…
The blog "Welcome to Murraytown" was started in late May 2008, with the slogan: 'Reporting from the front lines of Murray Hill, Kips Bay, Gramercy & the Flatiron." This blog…
"Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential" is a backronym (back acronym) for the word "Marine." This is alleged lack of intelligence not necessarily true; it has been…
"Museum Mile" along Fifth Avenue contains the following: El Museo del Barrio at 104th Street Museum of the City of New York at 103rd Street International Center of Photography at 94th…
Dean & DeLuca, an upscale grocery store, opened in New York City's SoHo district in September 1977 by Joel Dean, Giorgio DeLuca and Jack Ceglic. "Museum of Fine Food" is a Dean…
No one seems to know much about "mush." The Brooklyn Historical Society Library will re-open in 2005. The Brooklyn Public Library will perhaps continue its digitization of the Brooklyn…
Madisonville has a mushroom processing plant (Monterey Mushrooms), so, in 2005, the town acquired the designation "Mushroom Capital of Texas." City of Madisonville, TexasFor those who…
"Mushroom management" (also called the "mushroom theory of management" or the "mushroom treatment") is a jocular employee relations term. One worked described a…
New York City's "Music Row" was a collection of music instrument stores and repair shops along Manhattan's West 48th Street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. The stores began…
The music you hear in the subways is often quite good, and there's a reason for that. The performers must first try out under the MTA's "Music Under New York" (MUNY) program.…