MSLGBT (MSNBC nickname)

The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. The nickname “MSLGBT” (MSNBC + LGBT) is used by those who believe the network overly concentrates on ““lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender” issues. “MSLGBT” has been cited in print since at least October 2008.
Other MSNBC nicknames include “PMSNBC” (since at least July 1996), “MSNBS” (since October 1996), “MessNBC” (since March 2002),  “MSLSD” (since September 2005), “MSDNC” (since May 2005), “Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap” (since January 2010), “MSNBC-Pravda” (since August 2010), “More Stupid Nonsense Bull Crap” (since April 2013) and “MSNPC” (since June 2013).
The more conservative Fox News Channel has nicknames that include “Faux News” (since March 2001), “Fux News” (since July 2001), “Fox Spews”/“Faux Spews” (since November 2001), “Foxaganda” (since October 2003), “Fox Noise”/“Faux Noise” (since August 2004), “Fake News” (since September 2004), “Fixed News” (since October 2004), “Fox Comedy” (since December 2005), “Full Of Xenophobia” (since March 2007), “Fixed Noise” (since August 2007) and “FoxPAC” (since September 2009).
Wikipedia: MSNBC
MSNBC (stylized as msnbc) is a cable news channel based in the United States and available in the US, Germany (Berlin, Local), South Africa, the Middle East and Canada. Its name is derived from those of “Microsoft” and “NBC”., a separate company, is the news website for the NBC News family, featuring interactivity and multimedia plus original stories and video which augment the content from NBC News and partners.
MSNBC and were founded in 1996 as partnerships between Microsoft and General Electric’s NBC unit, which is now NBC Universal. Although Microsoft and NBC shared operations of MSNBC cable at its founding, it was announced on December 23, 2005, that NBCUniversal would purchase a majority stake in the television channel, which left Microsoft with 18%, later reduced to zero. The two companies remain partners in MSNBC shares the NBC logo of a rainbow peacock with its sister channels NBC, CNBC and ShopNBC. MSNBC is available in over 78 million households in the United States.
Following several years in which many observers noted a politically progressive shift in the channel’s programming, MSNBC publicly acknowledged its progressivism in October 2010 while launching a marketing campaign with the tagline “Lean Forward.”
Wikipedia: LGBT
LGBT (or GLBT) is an initialism used since the 1990s as a self-designation by what was formerly known as the “gay community”. It refers collectively to “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender” people. In use since the 1990s, the term “LGBT” is an adaptation of the initialism “LGB”, which itself started replacing the phrase “gay community” beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s, which many within the community in question felt did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred.
Liveleak Forums
10-03-2008, 03:24 AM
What you have to do is turn on Fux, and watch Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes for awhile, then turn to MSLGBT and watch Olbermann and Chris Matthews, and then decide that the real truth is someone in the middle between what all those fucks say.
12-04-2008, 02:17 PM
A prime example of this generation of imbeciles is Alex Witless, an anchor for MSLGBT or the Microsoft Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered network.
Should MSNBC be renamed MSLGBT?
by Simmering Frog Posted April 23, 2009
baltimore Sun talk forum
05-06-2009, 07:39 PM
Watching MSNBC (MSLGBT) Is Torture
The Right Scoop
Glenn Beck: Ed Schultz is such a piece of trash
Posted by The Right Scoop on Jun 16, 2011
Yesterday 05:50 PM
mslgbt exists only to report about republicans and foxnews, and that’s that! This is state run tv at its worst, no semblance of objectivity.