Alphebetical for "c"

Coffee & Tea Festival

The Coffee & Tea Festival at the Metropolitan Pavilion is another new food festival. Pavilion125 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011…

Coffee Break

The "coffee break" became an American institution during World War II, when older and inexperienced workers were pushed into the workforce and needed breaks for refreshment. The…

Coffee Regular

Today, a coffee in New York City is Starbucks. However, some insist that "true" New Yorkers have a "coffee regular" that includes milk and sugar. The Mother Tongue: English…

Coffee Summit

Winston Churchill spoke in February 1950 about a “parley at the summit.” A “summit meeting” would come to mean a high-level meeting, such as one involving the president or prime minsters of…

Coffice (coffeehouse + office)

A "coffice" (coffeehouse + office) is a place where one can get coffee, but also where one can set up a laptop computer and do office work. "Coffice" has been cited in print…