Clownigarch (clown + oligarch)

“Clownigarch” (clown + oligarch) was coined by James Howard Kunstler, who wrote on October 14, 2013:
“Of course, things are a bit different now since we became a nation of overfed clowns dedicated to getting something for nothing, but despite the abject futility of American life in its current incarnation, there is room for plenty of violence and destruction. (...) Well, Christine Legarde, chief of the IMF, tried to read the riot act to the American clownigarchs over the weekend, but they’re not paying attention to her.”
A “clownigarch” is one of a small group of all-powerful rulers (oligarchs) who behaves in a silly or clownish manner, or who rules over those who behave in a clownish manner. Kunstler’s piece was also published on the blogs Business Insider and Zero Hedge.
Similar terms include “clowndidate” (clown + candidate), “clowncil” (clown + council) and “clowngress” (clown + Congress).
Red, Green & Blue
October 14, 2013
Reading the Riot Act to the Clownigarchs
by James Howard Kunstler
Well, Christine Legarde, chief of the IMF, tried to read the riot act to the American clownigarchs over the weekend, but they’re not paying attention to her. What has she done for her own country, France, lately anyhow. They’ve got their own set of rackets running over there. The Chinese are getting a little prickly, too, since they are sitting on a few trillion in US promises to pay cash money in the not so distant future.
Business Insider
Creepily Close
Well, Christine Legarde, chief of the IMF, tried to read the riot act to the American clownigarchs over the weekend, but they’re not paying attention to her. What has she done for her own country, France, lately anyhow. They’ve got their own set of rackets running over there. The Chinese are getting a little prickly, too, since they are sitting on a few trillion in US promises to pay cash money in the not so distant future.
Zero Hedge
The “Aggregation Of Rackets” That American Life Has Become Is Rolling Over
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2013 17:46 -0400
Submitted by James Howard Kunstler of,
Well, Christine LeGarde, chief of the IMF, tried to read the riot act to the American clownigarchs over the weekend, but they’re not paying attention to her. What has she done for her own country, France, lately anyhow. They’ve got their own set of rackets running over there. The Chinese are getting a little prickly, too, since they are sitting on a few trillion in US promises to pay cash money in the not so distant future. The Chinese are beginning to apprehend that future perhaps never arriving.
Michael Barger
NEOLOGISM ALERT: CLOWNIGARCHS “IMF Chief tried to read the riot act to the American clownigarchs”
3:03 PM - 14 Oct 13