Clowngress (clown + Congress)

“Clowngress” (clown + Congress) is a derogatory nickname for the U.S. Congress—although some might jokingly say it’s an insult to honorable clowning profession. “In the corridors of Clongresss” was a caption to a Gary Larson’s comic strip, The Far Side, on January 14, 1992.
Similar terms include “clowndidate” (clown + candidate), “clowncil” (clown + council) and “clownigarch” (clown + oligarch).
14 January 1992, St. Albans (VT) Messenger,“The Far Side” comic strip by Gary Larson, pg. 17, col. 2:
In the corridors of Clowngress
Google Groups: info.firearms.politics
Media Howl For Ban on Private Firearms Transactions
David Simmons
Oh, and hats off to Schumer who of course has a bill in Clowngress proposing to do just what’s necessary, of course, of course.
Greg Irwin
Way to kill jobs clowngress! RT @Heritage new policy paper: House Bill to Hit Small Businesses with Surtax #tcot #teaparty
6:15 PM - 23 Jul 09
Brett Lawlor
I hereby resolve to only refer to Congress as “Clowngress”, since they’re a huge joke.
6:54 AM - 18 Jan 12 Blog
OMG–a Government Shutdown
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. at 16:55 pm CDT on September 26, 2013
No more predation and killing by the biggest government on the face of the earth? We should be so lucky. Despite the lying claims coming from Clowngress and the media, the Pentagram will bomb, the drones will blow up, NSA will spy, the FBI will spy, the CIA will spy and assassinate–go down the rest of the list of the alphabet from Hell.
The Daily Page
clowngress 10 per cent approval rating
Postby gozer » Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:43 pm
an interesting bit in the fine print:
drugs dealers: 31%
pimps: 26%
al-qaida: 13%
the crabs: 11%
congress: 10%