Club Row (West 27th Street)

West 27th Street in Chelsea has become known as “club row” became of its many night spots.
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[ (9 clubs + 7,000 people) x 5 nights ] - 1 block = West 27th Street

THERE was a time when, with the right address, finding a big nightclub on a given block was pretty easy. That was before the ascent of West 27th Street - where no fewer than nine hot spots, a regular bar and a wine bar occupy the block between 10th and 11th avenues, with another six on the immediate periphery.

From Thursday through Saturday (and also on Tuesdays, often dubbed “City Crowd” night), dolled-up clubbers wander line to line trying to figure out which one leads to the threshold they hope to cross. BED, Home, Guest House and Spirit - all clubs with 350-plus capacities - have entrances within roughly 100 feet of each other, with Marquee and Cain as the block’s bookends.

And that’s just the south side of the street.

On the north side is Scores gentlemen’s club, Bungalow 8, Pink Elephant (which opened last night) and the aptly name Pre Post, a 4-day-old restaurant/club hybrid that figures to be at its busiest before and after neighboring clubs open their doors for the five hours in which the revelry occurs.

“Bungalow opened five years ago, and there was nothing there, as Twilo had closed a year before,” recalls Amy Sacco, whose 5-year-old boite’s notoriously rigid door policy, no-cameras rule and anti-tattling mandate comforts her clientele of actors, rock stars and former presidents. “Any club that opens is great. The more the merrier. But if I have to hire more security, I’m going to get cranky.”

It used to be that going to Bungalow 8 was a huge gamble, because those who got turned away - and there were many - would find themselves in a dark, scary and otherwise desolate warehouse district. Those days are long gone.

In fact, things have gotten so overwhelmingly festive on 27th Street’s Club Row that it isn’t uncommon to see alpha male investment bankers drunk on Red Bull and vodka competing for taxis in a manner once reserved for New Year’s Eve.

You may recall that on Wednesday night, A. and I had gone to Home, on Chelsea’s infamous West 27th St. club row. 
July 30, 2006
West 27th’s Club Row Gets Once Over
After Jennifer Moore’s death after partying at West 27th Street club, Guest House, last week, the local papers decide to head down to West 27th between 10th and 11th Avenues to report on the scene there. So there are mentions of drunken girls using tire to rest their heads as they lay on the street (NY Times) or girls super-excited that photographers are taking their pictures outside a club like paparazzi (NY Post).