Beefullness (beef + fullness)
McDonald's fast food restaurants in South Africa invented the name "beefullness" (beef + fullness) in 2013. "It's that feeling of pure contentment as you take the last bite…
McDonald's fast food restaurants in South Africa invented the name "beefullness" (beef + fullness) in 2013. "It's that feeling of pure contentment as you take the last bite…
"Beep" means Borough President; there are five, or one for each borough. The term is a take-off on "Veep" (Vice President) and, probably, that popular World War II vehicle, the…
"Beep and creep" traffic (or "creep and beep" traffic) is an expression for when traffic slows down, cars creep along, and traffic horns start to beep. Both "beep" and…
"Beer belly" is one of several slang names for abdominal fat. Male beer drinkers often develop "beer barrel" bellies -- also called "beer gut." The term "beer…
Beer bread is a German tradition, usually made with rye bread. Texas has large German influences, so it's no surprise that beer bread has become a large part of Texas cuisine. Until the 1970s,…
Can Texas take credit for the invention of "Beer Can Chicken"? And, if Texas could take credit, why would it? Who could possibly think of cooking a chicken with a can of beer up its butt?…
The "beer can concealer" is a product introduced in 2013 by A can of beer can be slipped into the outer covering of a can of soda; this tricks others in areas where…
"Beer goggles" is a slang expression for the blurred vision (after intoxication) that makes people more sexually attractive. An ultimate frisbee team was named "Beer Goggles" in…
"Beer o'clock" means that it's time to drink beer. This can be a set time (after work, for example), or any time. "Beer o'clock" has been cited in print since at…
Winston Churchill spoke in February 1950 about a "parley at the summit." A "summit meeting" would come to mean a high-level meeting, such as one involving the president or prime…
"Beer thirty" (or "beer-thirty") means that it's time to drink beer -- whatever time it actually is. Beer thirty usually occurs after a work day in the late afternoon or…
A "beer-b-que" or "brew-b-que" (beer/brew + bar-b-que) is an event of barbecue/barbeque and beer. "Beer-B-Q" has been cited in print since at least 1959 and…
A "beeramid" is a "beer can pyramid" (although beer bottles are sometimes used). The bottles are usually stacked empties. The term "beer can pyramid" has been cited in…
Tiramisu is the popular Italian dessert made of biscuits dipped in coffee, with layers of egg yolks and mascarpone. "Beeramisu" dips the biscuits in beer instead of coffee. The dessert…
"Beergasm" is a portmanteau of the words "beer" and "orgasm." "How do you describe the sensations of an ice cold beer drunk under the conditions in which I found…
A "beerita" (beer + margarita) is a drink composed of beer, tequila, and lime juice or limeade or lemonade. "Beerita" appears to have been cited in print in 2005, but was…
A "beertail" (beer + cocktail) is any cocktail that contains beer. Beertail recipes vary widely. Miller Brewing Company popularized the term with its "Beertails and More"…
A boilermaker is a beer cocktail of a glass of beer and a shot of whiskey. A beertini (beer + martini) is any beer drink that resembles a cocktail. Beer poured into a martini cocktail glass and…
"Beervana" (beer + nirvana) is a nickname for the city of Portland, where brew-pubs are almost everywhere. Portland's craft beer movement started in the 1980s and the…
Marvin Kitman is a longtime Newsday television critic who has often appeared on New York area television. I wrote to him several years ago, and he told me that he coined the term…