BBQ; Bar-B-Que; Q
Barbecue (barbeque) is popular in Texas and if often used by the initials BBQ, Bar-B-Que, Bar-B-Cue, or simply Q. "BBQ" was used in Los Angeles by at least 1938, but doesn't show up…
Barbecue (barbeque) is popular in Texas and if often used by the initials BBQ, Bar-B-Que, Bar-B-Cue, or simply Q. "BBQ" was used in Los Angeles by at least 1938, but doesn't show up…
The San Antonio tradition of the "beanburger" (or "bean burger") supposedly began at Sill's Snack Shack ("Triple S") in 1953. The building (at the corner of…
A "bean counter" (or "bean-counter") is an accountant or someone else who checks numbers (usually financial numbers), as if that person is counting beans.…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Twitter Adrienne Newman@MadameCocoaOoo! New domestic bean-to-bar, micro-batch Potomac Chocolate Co. "in progress", testing out beans and equipment....…
A "beanery" is the 19th-century term for a restaurant that serves inexpensive meals. The meals at a "beanery' usually (but not always) include beans, such as bean soup or pork…
The city of Beverly, Massachusetts ws known as "beantown" in the 1800s. "In fact it has obtained the sobriquet of 'Beantown'" was cited in an 1859 newspaper. People…
"Bear Claw" ice cream usually is dark chocolate ice cream with chocolate-coated cashews and caramel. "HEB Food Stores of Waco has a new special bear claw ice cream made especially…
A "bear claw" pastry is usually filled with almond paste and sometimes raisins, and looks somewhat like a bear's claw. The exact origin of the pastry is unknown, but it appears to…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: bear hugNounbear hug (plural bear hugs)1.any especially large, tight or enthusiastic hug, usually friendly Granddad scooped up the child in a big bear…
The terms "bull" (for rising prices) and "bear" (for falling prices) originated in the early 1700s, but the terms "bull market" and "bear market" came much…
Albany (the state capital) has its own version of the "sin city" slogan: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." Legislators from downstate (New York City and its suburbs) would…
"Bear o'clock" (bear + beer o'clock) means that it's time to be a financial bear (a pessimist on the financial markets). The term "bear o'clock" was coined…
"Bear sign" is a cowboy term for doughnuts. In the Pacific Northwest, "bear sign" means berry jam. "Bear sign" is first recorded from the 1830s to mean "bear…
Mike O'Rourke, a strategist for Jones Trading, came up with the term "bearmageddon" (stock market bear + Armageddon) in 2013. The term was popularized in two articles -- "MIKE…
The New York Institute of Technology has three locations: Manhattan (near Lincoln Center), and Old Westbury and Central Islip on Long Island. The NY Tech teams are named the "Bears"…
A “beartard” (bear + retard) is a “bear” (one who believes in falling markets), but is also one who remains bearish despite bullish numbers. The term “beartard” has been cited in print…
The New York (NY) Morning Telegraph newspaper had a long-running Broadway gossip column (1908-1972) called "The Town in Review" that was written by many people under the name of…
The New York (NY) Morning Telegraph column written by "Beau Broadway" was Broadway's first and longest-running gossip column, from 1908 until the newspaper ended publication in 1972.…
"Beaumonter” is the name of an inhabitant of Beaumont, Texas. The name “Beaumonter” has been cited in print since at least 1895. Wikipedia: Beaumont, TexasBeaumont ( /ˈboʊmɒnt/) is a…
"Beautiful People" was a popular term in the 1960s. It's said to have started in Vogue magazine. (Oxford English Dictionary)beautiful people orig. U.S. (occas. written with capital…