Anti-vaxer (Antivaxer)
Someone who is "anti-vaccination" has been called an "anti-vaccer" (antivaccer) or "anti-vaxer" (antivaxer) or "anti-vaxxer" (antivaxxer). The terms --…
Someone who is "anti-vaccination" has been called an "anti-vaccer" (antivaccer) or "anti-vaxer" (antivaxer) or "anti-vaxxer" (antivaxxer). The terms --…
Someone who is "anti-vaccination" has been called an "anti-vaccer" (antivaccer) or "anti-vaxer" (antivaxer) or "anti-vaxxer" (antivaxxer). The terms --…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic resulted in some requirements to wear face masks. An "anti-masker" is someone who objects to government directives to wear face masks. "#antimasker…
"Antique media" was used in 1995, but was popularized in January 2006 by Thomas Lifson, a writer for and founder of the blog American Thinker. Lifson wrote " Ask any member of the…
Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue between Hoyt and Bond streets has been dubbed "Antique Row" or "Antiques Row" (or "Antiques District") since at least 1975. About 30…
Prosecco is an Italian white wine, named after the village of Prosecco which is in the province of Trieste, Italy. There is no "Amateursecco" or "Antisecco," but there are…
Antojitos (Spanish for "little whims" or "little cravings") are usually fried snacks containing masa, such as tostadas, tacos, tamales, and quesadillas. The term…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Mount BonnellMount Bonnell (pronounced /bəˈnɛl/), also known as Covert Park, is a prominent point alongside Lake Austin in Austin, Texas. It has been a…
"Ants climbing/creeping (on/up) a tree" is a popular English name for China's Sichuan province dish of ma yi shang shu (or mayishangshu). The "ants" are tiny pieces of…
"Ants on a log" (sometimes called "bugs on a log") is a children's snack that dates to at least 1959. The most common recipe is for a celery stalk (the "log")…
"ABCD (Any Body Can Dance)" is a saying that is becoming increasing popular in dance. ABCD: Any Body Can Dance (2013) was the title of an Indian film. ABCD: Any Body Can Dance (2003) was…
Austin Community College (ACC) is not as prestigious as another school of higher learning in the city of Austin -- the University of Texas. Some have written that "ACC" stands for…
"Apizza" (pronounced ah-BEETS) is a regional dialect version of the word "pizza," popular in New Haven, CT. New Haven's Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana (since 1925) has…
A small apartment is sometimes called an "apodment" (pod+ apartment). The word "apodment" was trademarked by Calhoun Properties of Seattle, Washington, with a first use in…
Mark Thornton, an American economist of the Austrian School and a senior fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, wrote in The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (Winter 2003):…
The term "aporkalypse" (apocalypse + pork) became widely used in 2009, when there were fears of a deadly swine flu virus. The New York Times listed "aporkalypse" as one of its…
The term "app economy" became popular in 2008 and 2009, with the development of mobile applications ("apps"). "The 3 U's: A Model for 'Advertising' in the…
The Appalachian Mountains aren't made of apples, but people sometimes joke about the "Apple-achian" Mountains. "I wanna climb the highest peak of the #APPLE-achian…
The "appy" and the "deli" both are associated with New York. "Appetizing stores" sell fish and dairy products. "Delicatessen stores" sell meats. New York…
In 2007, New York's Central Upstate Regional Alliance chose a green apple as its symbol--in part because New York City is known as "the Big Apple." Its slogan is: "New…