Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union (American Civil Liberties Union nickname)

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was founded in 1920, with the mission “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Some critics claim that the ACLU is anti-Christian.
ANTI-CHRISTIAN LITIGATION UNION: “In the interest of candor and honesty, why doesn’t the ACLU change its name to the Anti-Christian Litigation Union?” was printed in the Daily News (New York, NY) on September 16, 1980. “No, it doesn’t stand for Anti-Christian Litigation Union” was printed in the National Review on December 24, 1982,
ANTI-CHRISTIAN LAWYERS UNION: “Anti-Christian Lawyers Union” was printed in the Hartford (CT) Courant on December 3, 1982. “Judging from the ACLU’s policies and past actions, perhaps the acronym ACLU may more accurately stand for Anti-Christian Lawyers Union” was printed in The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC) on August 24, 1992. “Just what I expected from the Anti Christian Lawyers Union…ACLU Takes a Stand for Islam” was posted on Twitter on June 17, 2009.
ANTI-CHRISTIAN LIBERALS UNION: “ACLU (anti-Christian Liberals United)” was printed in the Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN) on March 15, 1984. “Another ACLU acronym:  Anti Christian Liberals Union (I think this might be a Buchanan-ism, so I won’t take credit)” was posted on the newsgroup on May 26, 1993. “ACLU: Anti Christian Liberals Union, ya think!” was posted on Twitter on May 23, 2009.
ANTI-CHRISTIAN LAWSUIT UNION: “But there is one menacing unit that is opposed to almost everything this country was founded on and that unit is the A.C.L.U., American Civil Liberties Union or to be more blunt the ‘Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union’” was printed in the News Journal (Pensacola, FL) on October 16, 1988. “ACLU: Anti-Christian Lawsuits Unlimited” was printed in the Tallahassee (FL) Democrat on March 7, 2002. “ACLU: Anti Christian Lawsuit Union i agree” was posted on Twitter on May 28, 2009.
ANTI-CHRISTIAN LITIGATION UNIT: “I was asking for clarification, on the off chance that the Anti-Christian Litigation Unit was in the right for once” was posted on the newsgroup on September 9, 1991. “ACLU - Anti-Christian Litigation Unit” was posted on the newsgroup tx.politics on March 2, 1995.
The ACLU also has other “Anti-Christian” nicknames. “Anti-Christian Lawyers United” was posted on the newsgroup triangle.general on May 24, 2003. “Anti Christian Loons United” was posted on the newsgroup alt.politics.bush on November 6, 2004. “ACLU = Anti Christian-Lunatic Union” was posted on the newsgroup on December 20, 2005.
Other ACLU nicknames include “American Criminal Liberties Union” (cited in print since at least 1977), “American Criminal Lovers Union” (cited in print since at least 1981), “American Communist Lawyers Union” (cited in print since at least 1982) and “American Communist Lovers Union” (cited in print since at least 1984).
Wikipedia: American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nonprofit organization whose stated mission is “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Officially nonpartisan, the organization has been supported and criticized by liberal and conservative organizations alike.
16 September 1980, Daily News (New York, NY), “Voice of the People,” pg. 23, col. 4:
The ACLU strokes again
In the interest of candor and honesty, why doesn’t the ACLU change its name to the Anti-Christian Litigation Union?
3 December 1982, Hartford (CT) Courant, “Attorney Warns Against Tolerating Pornography” by Leonard Bernstein, pg. B7, col. 2:
At one point during his speech, he (Bruce Taylor—ed.) said that the letters “ACLU,” initials for the American Civil Liberties Union, “stands for Anti-Christian Lawyers Union.”
24 December 1982, National Review, “This Week,” pg. 1588, col. 1:
Does the ACLU beef up its personnel on a seasonal basis, like H. & R. Block?
No, it doesn’t stand for Anti-Christian Litigation Union.
15 March 1984, Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN), “Letters to the editor,” pg. A7, col. 3:
So 200 years later the ACLU (anti-Christian Liberals United) and a bare majority of spineless Supreme Court justices reinterpret the First Amendment to try to silence the principles upon which this country was founded.
Donald E. Boyer, minister
Box 1153

27 October 1984, Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR), “There’s no limit to the gall of Geraldine Ferraro” by Celeste West White, pg. 9A, cols. 4-5:
Madam Ferraro-Zaccaro also has a long record of votes in her 5 1/2 years in the Congress, all very agreeable to the ADS, the ACLU (Anti-Christian Litigation Union, launched by the communists), and labor unions and has earned their approval in the 90-100 range.
16 October 1988, News Journal (Pensacola, FL), “Letters: ACLU a menace to the U.S.,” pg. 28A, col. 3:
But there is one menacing unit that is opposed to almost everything this country was founded on and that unit is the A.C.L.U., American Civil Liberties Union or to be more blunt the “Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union.”
Carl W. Nesbitt

24 October 1988, The Times (Trenton, NJ), “Letters to the Editor: Looking for views on ACLU,” pg. A9, col. 2:
In many circles the ACLU is known as the Anti-Christian Litigation Union.
John J. Reuter

19 January 1990, Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR), “For 70 years, ACLU defends Americans’ inalienable rights” by Pat Lynch, pg. 11B, col. 1:
Not everybody likes the ACLU. I’ve heard it called the American Communist Lovers Union, the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, and worse.
Google Groups:
The ACLU’s Funny Notion Of Civil Liberties
Matthew Rosenblatt
To that extent, I agree with the position of the “Anti-Christian Litigation Union,” much as it pains me to say so.
Google Groups:
Clayton Cramer
No, I understand it very well.  I was asking for clarification, on the off chance that the Anti-Christian Litigation Unit was in the right for once.
Google Groups:
harassment trivial ?
Matthew Rosenblatt
But one thing’s for sure:  If an employer bans girly magazines from his workplace, he is going to be sued by the likes of the Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU) for censorship and violation of his employees’ alleged “privacy right” to read whatever they want where they work
24 August 1992, The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC), “Letters to the Editor: ACLU’s stands,” pg. 6-A, col. 5:
Judging from the ACLU’s policies and past actions, perhaps the acronym ACLU may more accurately stand for Anti-Christian Lawyers Union.
Charleston Section Leader
The John Birch Society
Google Groups:
That Damn ACLU
Douglas R Esker
Another ACLU acronym:  Anti Christian Liberals Union (I think this might be a Buchanan-ism, so I won’t take credit)
Google Groups: tx.politics
ACLU, Part 1
Griff Miller
ACLU - Anti-Christian Litigation Unit.  😊
Google Books
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
By D. James Kennedy with Jerry Newcombe
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Incorporated
Pg. 82:
The belief that religion is merely a private affair is held religiously by the ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union — which one wag labeled the “Anti-Christian Litigation Union.”
Google Groups: alt.christnet
Looking for ACLU accronyms
The Alien
Just like the title says:
Here are one’s I’ve heard:
Anti Christian Litigation Unit
Against Christians Like Us
Always Creating Local Unrest
Google Groups: alt.abortion.inequity
Abortion Glossary Part 1
ACLU:  The foremost missionary organization of Abortionism and related cults such as Evangelical Paganism.  Variously known as Atheists, Communists and Liars Unscrupulous; Anti-Christian Litigation Union and Abortionite Confraternity of Litigious Ultra-Leftists.  An organization devoted to destroying the moral foundations of American society by eradicating the influence of religion from public life.
7 March 2002, Tallahassee (FL) Democrat, “Bryant Will Be Missed,” pg. A7:
ACLU: Anti-Christian Lawsuits Unlimited.
Google Groups: can.politics
Anti Christian Liberal Union
Douglas Lang
The ACLU can be bery important on some issues. They can also be very tedious on some issues.
15 September 2003, Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL), “Lies, hypocrisy on left ought to be monitored,” pg. C2:
Mr. Eimermann then attempts to use the opportunity to paint the American Civil Liberties Union, which I believe now stands for the Anti-Christian Liberals Union, as our savior of the First Amendment, citing cases such as Employment Division vs. Smith 1990 where they attempted to defend the “religious use” of peyote by persons who worked at a drug-rehabilitation program.
Lane “LC” Hansen
Google Groups: triangle.general
Anti-Christian Lawyers United?
Anti-Christian Litigation Unit?
All Criminals Love Us?
Atheists, Communists, & Lunatics United?
I never can remember which one it stands for.
16 June 2003, The Tennessean (Nashville, TN), “Letters to the Editor,” pg. A6:
Then the litigious ACLU, which might as well rename itself the Anti-Christian Liberal Utopia, would sprint to the nearest courthouse.
Mark A. Rose
Mt. Juliet 37122
Google Books
The Clintonian:
Political Terms

By Michael Passas, Clintonian Institute
Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing
Pg. 3:
ACLU — Anti-Christian Liberals Union or Atheists, Communists, & Liars Union
Google Groups: alt.politics.bush
They are nothing more than a group of bigots and haters.
Google Groups: free.christians
What is the most powerful bible software?
James Pittman
If atheists and the ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union) had their way, all references to God would be removed from public life ...
Google Groups:
ACLU = Anti Christian-Lunatic Union
A union of like minded patriots standing against the rising tide of fascist theocracy in the defense of liberty!
Google Groups: talk.politics.misc
The ACLU: Anti-Christian Losers United
The ACLU is very anti-Christian, anti-American.
Google Groups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Re: A.C.L.U./Anti-Christian Liberal Union
Ivdeo-Xian Star Logician
Nice links! Somewhere down the list (four million hits!) you’ll probably find, which is doubtless just one of the many tens of millions of non-Liberal non-Atheist websites devoted to the global extinction of Liberalism and their A.C.L.U./Anti-Christian Liberal Union/God-hating, Family-hating and Country-hating terminally-Rabid Liberal Atheist butt-buddies.
Google Books
The Man Who Saved the United States:
Who Is Left Behind?

By Robert Lee Scarborough
Xlibris Corporation (
Pg. 184:
They call themselves the American Civil Liberties Union. I call them the Anti Christian Lawyers Union. Others have called them the Anti Christ Lawyers United.
Shawn Seeley
I just saw an ad and had to laugh. “ACLU: Anti-Christian Lawyers Union - Jihad with a law degree” (and the C is the Muslim crescent) hahaha!
12:03 AM - 4 Mar 2009
@RunnerForJesus I am nearly ready to start calling the ACLU the Anti Christian Legal Union
8:59 PM - 13 Mar 2009
Dennis Robbins
New blog post: ACLU: Anti-Christian Leftist Union
12:15 PM - 29 Apr 2009
RT @RandyInman: ACLU= Anal Communist Liberal Uglies; or, Anti-Christian Litigation Unit
2:16 PM - 26 May 2009
RT @redeemerwear: ACLU: Anti Christian Lawsuit Union i agree
1:12 AM - 28 May 2009
Just what I expected from the Anti Christian Lawyers Union…ACLU Takes a Stand for Islam
10:40 AM - 17 Jun 2009
Dennis Robbins
New blog post: ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union) strikes again against Americans
9:30 AM - 6 Jul 2009
ACLU - Anti Christian Loonies Union
10:18 AM - 17 Sep 2009
Curtis Rich
Oh lord some ACLU (anti christian liberal union) Idiot’s going to say that scripture reading is illegal. Separation of Church & State. #tcot
2:53 PM - 10 Nov 2009
Phil Parker
ACLU: Anti Christian Liberals Union, ya think!
2:44 PM - 23 May 2009
Replying to @NATIVESOe_rader @thebradfordfile @ACLU
Yes that’s one good version. I also call those loser lawyers who can’t get a real job the American Criminal Lovers Union and the Anti Christian League United.
7:38 PM - 26 Feb 2018
Replying to @ACLU
Of course. From the Anti Christian Litigation Union.
5:37 AM - 5 Apr 2018
Bronzetiger’s Growl 🐯 🐅 🐯
Replying to @ACLU
Oh look the Anti Christian Leftist Union is at it again.  Mental midgets that they are.
9:26 AM - 5 Apr 2018
Johnny Beacham
Replying to @ASavageNation
ACLU(Anti-Christian Lunatic University) should be shut down totally.
11:30 AM - 7 Apr 2018
Jared Curry
Replying to @FoxNews @DineshDSouza @AlanDersh
ACLU = “Anti-Christian Liberals Union.”
11:21 AM - 17 Apr 2018
Shauna Ballard Gliddon
Replying to @JewelStaite
ACLU—Anti-Christian Litigation Unit. So forget this…
10:26 PM - 26 Jun 2018 from Millington, TN